
Happy Flower Friday!

Welcome the Spring/Summer/Early Fall Season of Flower Friday!!
From now until the end of September, every Friday we will be sharing pictures of flowers in our area! We hope, if you get the chance, you will share some of the flowers from your area too! 

On the last Friday every month we will show you flowers, along with participating in FFHT, hosted by Murphy and Stanley (click HERE to read more about FFHT).

 This week for Flower Friday we explored someplace local,  Sequoia Park!

They have great big redwood trees in the park!

Mama and I saw lots of these pretty flowers under the trees!

We found a bench, with clover growing underneath, to sit and enjoy the park noises (kids playing, birdies singing, the wind blowing through the trees)!

After walking around the park, we walked down the street to Sequoia Park Gardens!  Most of the flowers are just now starting to come up.  Mama says they are mostly Dahlia flowers that start as little bulbs planted in the earth. We will come back and update you as the flower plants grow bigger and bigger and get their flowers!

They did have a part of the garden filled with lots of flowers....just look at them all!!!

We hope you feel relaxed and ready for the weekend....thanks for joining us for Flower Friday and have a Smiley weekend!!!



Mama has been neglecting our garden of late.....How am I suppose to host Flower Friday from such a mess Mama....

...and the flowers we do have back here are all overgrown!!!

They do go well with my white furs though....

But I think maybe you should trim them back a bit, don't you Mama??

....and don't even get me started on this side of the yard!!!

Be sure to stay tuned tomorrow for Flower Friday!!
(Which will not feature our backyard flowers ;-)


WW - Sunny Spring Day

Just hanging out with Paulie, enjoying the sunshine!

We are taking place in the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop this week!


Welcome to Travel Tuesday!

Welcome to Travel Tuesday!!
Mama is starting a "new trend" to document all the cool stuff we do! We know these might be a bit ummmmmm....well, let's just say Mama takes LOTS of pictures and has a hard time knowing when to stop. We are going to try and keep them to a minimum...but that Mama has a mind of her own!!

Feel free to post your own Travel Tuesday if you want and use our badge...if enough peeps and pets want to join us, Mama will start a Blog Hop!

 The next 10 weeks or so will be all about our (Dory and Mama's) 14 States in Ten Days Road Trip! 
Mama and I drove to pick up some things in Wisconsin and then drove back!! We had a great time and saw bunches of our beautiful country!!

Here is a map of our first day of driving we started at our home (A) and drove ALL the way to Reno (B)!!
Because it was just us girls, we stayed to the major highways where there would always be cell phone service....well except for the first couple hours where we had to drive through the mountains!

We left EARLY in the morning....so I was still a little tired!

This is one of the mountains we passed by during the first part of the trip.

"Mama, I have to go potty"
(Don't worry...this is as far as I can go forward since I am buckled in for safety! Also, Mama took this while we were stopped for road construction :-))

Thank goodness there was a rest stop close by....we stopped so Mama and I could
stretch our legs and "use the facilities". Mama brought a brand new box of potty bags for me...the girlie kind that smell like perfume!!  
Here I am looking at the beautiful view from the rest area!

Beautiful mountains!!!

Mama says I asked this a lot!!!

After the mountains we spent time driving down Interstate 5 heading south towards Sacramento! They have lots of cool rest areas on I-5!
 This one looked like a ranch!!

I could have stayed there for hours just reading the pee-mail!!!
But Mama said we had to go in order to make it to Reno by dark!
So, we hopped back in the car and hit the road!

Once we got into Sacramento, we hung a left onto Interstate 80.
Before long, we came upon pretty mountains and lakes!!!

There was even some leftover snow!!!

Before I knew it...(there may have been a nap involved)...we were at the hotel!!!!

Mama and I ate dinner and then snuggled in for the evening...
Mama even brought my Mini-Brothers so I wouldn't get lonely!!!

Nighty night!!!

Thanks so much for joining us for Travel Tuesday and we hope to see you next week for
Day 2 of 14 States in 10 Days!!


Monday Birdy Mischief

On Friday, Mama took me (Arty) for a walkie at my most favorite
spot...the Arcata Marsh!!

It's such a pretty place....but the birdies there can be pretty silly!

Hey Arty, How do you identify a Bald Eagle??
I don't know Mr. Birdy, how??
All his feathers are combed over to one side

OMD, Mr. Birdy...that was pretty bad....almost as bad as 
Mama making me pose in front of this sign!!

Hey Arty, why do herons lift one leg....?
*groan*...I don't know Mr. Blue Heron, why?
'Cause if we lifted both of them we would fall over!!! Bwahahaha

*Blink*.....ummmmm...Ha...ha...ha, Mr. Heron
(see what I mean...Silly Birdies!!)

Hey Arty....what do they call a clever duck???
(UhOh)....I don't know Mr. Egret, what??
A wise quacker!!!

BOL...now that was a funny one!!

We hope you get in a bit of Monday Mischief today!


Black and White Sunday - Jakeylicious

We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!

We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday


Soccer Saturday

I just wanted to show my support for my Arty and Jacob, along with the rest of the team, as they report in uniform for the Blogville Barkers, Blogville's very own soccer team!!!

Jakey looks ready for anything!!!

Arty has his game face on!!

and me, I am ready to cheer the Barkers on!!!

Where's Bilbo, you ask??? 
We think he is firing up the BBQ to help Sasha out with some home game treats!!

You can learn more about the Blogville Barkers by visiting Mayorz Murphy and Stanley
(click HERE to be beamed over).


FFHT - My First Puppachino

The last Friday of every month Murphy and Stanley, our Blogville Mayorz, host
FFHT. The goal is to write a story including a sentence or phrase that has been selected ahead of time! This month the story we write needs to include the phrase, "It smelled like...".

Go read more about F.F.H.T.
by clicking HERE!

....and now, on to my (Dory) TRUE story!!!

As most of you have heard, I got to go on a road trip recently with Mama all around the Western U.S.A.. While we are gone, I did a bunch of new and exciting things...but here is the story about the BESTEST new thing I tried!!!

It all began as we drove into ANOTHER drive through....
"Mama....not again!! This junkie food is not good for you!!!"

"WHAT??? I can have my very own PUPPACHINO??? Ummm, Mama,  what exactly IS a puppachino??? I see Princess Leah accross the pond drink them, but it didn't look like she was at a drive thru...."

"I gave it a good sniff and at first I wasn't sure.....

.....but then I decided it smelled like a cloud on a clear day....that and sugary goodness in a clear plastic cup!!!"

.....and I slurped it and slurped it until Mama said that I was done."
(Something about everything is good in moderation and needing to walk off what we had eaten!!)

The End!
....until I can talk Mama into another puppachino!!