
Travel Tuesday on Monday!!

Tomorrow is the big Welcome to Blogville Dance (we are hosting the Photo Booth), so we are posting Travel Tuesday on Monday this week!!!

This week let me take you with Mama and I on Day 6 of our
14 States in 10 Days Adventure! 

Before we go on, I wanted to let you know why Mama and I made this trip to Wisconsin (thanks for asking Madi!).  
Back in March my Grandma Gail (my Daddy's Mama) went over the Rainbow Bridge to Heaven. Being the wonderful woman she is, she made sure that Daddy and his brothers and sister chose effurything they wanted from her house.  Daddy chose the things he wanted and then returned to California, unfortunately, all the things Daddy chose didn't fit in their suitcase! Mama told Daddy not to worry about a thing, she and I (Dory) would drive out to get the stuff and drive back!!

On Day 6, we stopped by and picked up the things Daddy chose from Grandma Gail's house and drove through Wisconsin,  Minnesota and then to Fargo, North Dakota! This was another pretty short day for us.

Come on Mama....time to get moving, we need to be in Edgar by 9AM sharp!!
The drive went pretty fast and after hitting a bit of traffic in Wausau, we were in Edgar!!

Are you done filling up the car already, Mama?? 

Are you sure you packed everything up safely???

It only took Mama about 20 minutes to pack up the car. Daddy had gotten everything all boxed up before he and Mama flew home (Daddy is very organized)!  Uncle Matthew helped Mama by bringing it out of the house and Mama packed up the car!! 
Of course,  I supervised from the front seat!! 

 Then.....we were back on the road again!!!
Paulie and I snuggled bunches and took lots of quality naps together!!

Mama didn't make too many stops on this day....or take very many pictures with her fancy camera.
She did take this silly photo and said that seeing me smiling every time she came back to the car always put a smile on her face too!!

But....this was one of the BESTEST DAYS of the trip for me because, after TEN YEARS.....I got to try my VERY FIRST FRENCH FRY!!!!

 Mama says it was a reward for being a very well behaved girl!!
I took it very gently and wasn't quite sure what to do with it at first.

 Hmmmm, maybe if I hold it in my paws and take a little nibble.

MAMAMAMA!!!! Why has it taken you TEN YEARS to let me try these delicious, wonderful, tasty morsels!!! Unfortunately, this was the only fry I got!! 
I am not suppose to tell my brothers, so please don't let them know I got to try a french fry...ok???
There may have been a long from too many carbs power nap after this because when I woke up we were at the hotel!!!!

We got to stay in a brandy new La Quinta with a bed right by the window and guess what???

Oh yeah...there were SQUIRRELS outside!!!!!! I talked Mama into taking me for a long squirrel hunt walk after dinner.....

It was windy...but I saw lots of squirrels!!

Once again, Mama said NO when I asked if she could just stay by herself while I went squirrel hunting. 
Mamas are so very needy sometimes!!!

When we got back from our walkie, I tucked Mama in and we called it a night!

Join us next week when we drive all the way across North Dakota and then to Billings, Montana!


FFHT - Flower Friday

Welcome to FFHT hosted by our pals, the Mayorz of Blogville, Murphy and Stanley!!!  Click the banner above or HERE to read more about FFHT.

Shew, butiie-pillar, shew!
 Happy Flower......Hey Miss Buttie-pillar, can you please get off of me...Happy Flower Friday All!! Today I thought I would show you....Miss Buttie-Pillar....PLEASE get off of my ear!
It seems "the harder I try to get it her off of me"...the closer she gets!!

This week I am going to show you the flowers in my front yard!
Here is some weedy purple flowers...Mama thinks it may be some kind of decorative clover.

Hello again, Buttie Pillar!
Would you like to help out with Flower Friday Buttie Pillar??
Sure Miss Dory!

Here is a little itty bitty purple flower, maybe a type of phlox??

Aren't these pink Rhodies beautiful?? I can't believe they are still blooming, can you Dory?

 This is a very talkative buttie-pillar...
Yes, they are very beautiful Buttie!!

Just look at how well the purple Asters are doing!!

Look at the beautiful bougainvillea vine!!

The jasmine smells divine....

The little flowers on the front bushes are even starting to bloom!!

The hydrangea is sooooo close to blooming!!!

Thanks for helping out with FFHT Flower Friday Buttie!!


Thursday Reminder....

Everybody gather 'round.....
Arty here, to remind you about the Photo Booth we are hosting for Sarge's Welcome Dance for new Blogville residents on June 2nd!!

(this is from our post last Saturday)

We are hosting a Photo Booth at the Welcome Dance!! 
Just step into our photo booth alone, or with your BFF...
(by sending Mama a picture OR if you have sent a picture prior that you want us to use, just give us permission and we will use it)
...and then
 out comes your Photo Booth Picture....

Jakey and Arty will demonstrate....
 Here they are getting ready to get into the Photo Booth...

Uh Oh....wonder what they are up to in there!!

 OMD...It's Iron Jakey and Lt. Arty!!!

We will post your photo booth pictures here on our blog during the dance on June 2nd!!
Email your pictures to bethblog(AT)ebchristians(DOT)com or let us know if you want us to use a picture we have on file by May 30th!!


We'll see you there!!!


Wordless Wednesday - Room with a View

We are taking place in the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop this week!


Travel Tuesday -14 States in 10 Days

Dory here, to wish you another Happy Travel Tuesday!!
On Travel Tuesday we (or sometimes our Mini Me's) 
tell you all about our travels!!

 Today I'll be telling you about Day 5 of our 14 States in 10 Days trip! If you haven't read about the first four days you can read about them HERE or click on the tab towards the top of our blog named Travel Tuesdays

Mama and I are doing the day to day posts about this trip so you can see fun things about traveling with your human! PLUS, it will show how we pets can make what, in Mama's case, what might have been a boring and rather sad trip into a special experience we will both treasure always! 

By documenting it here, we can go back anytime and re-read all the special things we did together!!
We want to thank our readers for being patient with us as we take 87 million (or maybe 10) weeks of our Tuesdays with different days the same trip.

Now....on to Day 5!!

The sun better be up, Mama!!!!

We woke up in Omaha and I was amazed to see the sun was already up!!  
Mama said something about how the hotel not being very busy, so there was not much need for my barking constantly security services!

Let's go Mama!!
I was bright eyed, bushytailed and ready to 
hit the road!!

The first of the 87 billion farm pictures

On day 5 we began the "Great Farms of the USA" tour! For some reason, Mama just loves to take pictures of these farmhouses!

Catching wind not passing wind
We also saw bunches of these things while we were driving through Iowa!! Mama says they catch wind and make energy out of it.....

Close up of a wind catcher
 They were pretty cool and as long as they weren't passing stinky wind like Arty does, they were ok with me!'

Are we there yet???
 We kept driving and driving through until...
OMD Mama, there it is!!!!!

 We passed RIGHT BY the infamous town of Hampton, Iowa. This is where my Daddy and a couple of his brothers were born!!
How very cool is that!! I told Mama to text the picture to Daddy (as soon as we stopped at our next rest stop)!!

87th farm Mama took a picture of...
We passed about 87 more farms and made sure we waved at everyone all through Iowa, just in case we passed Stella, Gussie and MaggieMae!

Before I knew it we arrived in Stephens Point, Wisconsin!!!

Mama...if you don't walk off all that fast food you are going to get a tummy ache!!
 After we checked into our hotel room and ate dinner, I let Mama know a hike was in order. She tried to tell me it was too windy, but I wasn't going to let a little wind stop us!!

Why yes....that IS another farm, bet you weren't surprised either!
 We found a pretty park and walked around looking for squirrels
at all the wonderful views!!

"Mama, just let me chase a couple of those squirrels!!"

 I even let Mama take a couple of pictures of me with the lovely view.  I might have been a bit pre-occupied, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right??

Nighty night!
 What a farm-fun-filled day we had!!!
I was all tuckered out after our walkie....I fell asleep before my little head hit the pillow!!

Day 5-Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin (and an itty bitty bit of Minnesota)
We hope you enjoyed Day 5 of our journey!!
Join us next week when, after we load up the stuff we drove out here for, we start heading Northwest 
on Day 6 of 14 States in 10 Days!!