
#HolisticBlend gets a thumbs up so far! #ChewyInfluencerGroup

As you might remember, way back at the beginning of the month, we began our review of Holistic Blend Lamb and Rice Dog Food!
If you missed our first post, you can click HERE to transport over and read it.

 We wanted to let you know how we were enjoying it so far.

 We must say, we love these bite size pieces of deliciousness!

 Mama says it is making my fur a bit more silky

 Jakey and Arty both love the taste! Mama doesn't know how it is
effecting Arty's itchies because, well...it's Spring and Arty gets VERY itchy in the Spring.....

 But here is what Mama likes best...BILBO loves this food!!! It is just the right size and consistency for his little mouth!

So far, we are giving Holistic Blend Lamb and Rice Dog Food 16 paws up! 

Join us at the end of the month when we give you a wrap up
of our 30 Day Review!

We are joining the Chewy.com Blogger Network Blog Hop on the 3rd Tuesday of March!! Thanks Sugar and Oz for hosting! 


  1. It sounds like a good choice!

  2. Pawsome, I is sooo glad you are all enjoying your foodables
    Butt, Dory you haf the mostest gorgeous silky furs evers, how could you get more silky????
    This Princess do envy you your beautiful furs
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Hari OM
    Well, any foodable that fits for Bilbo has to be a winner!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Rub a dub dub...three dogs in a box! Glad you all are enjoying your new food and it is working out for Bilbo!

  5. Wow, that kibble looks delish! Chewy never fails to deliver a winner winner chicken dinner. BWAR HAR HAR.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  6. we tried the Coquin you reviewed and love it and stuck with it so we might just try this food to... Jake has to have small pieces because he chews NOTHING... he swallows it whole, we have to buy tiny dry food because of that. i must say the photo in the box made me laugh and made me happy. love it

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my cats what I would give to have 4 bowls full of that delicious food .....just for me. Yep I live to eat!! Mom says if she had known how food driven I am she would have tried to teach me tricks for treats!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. that looks tasty and fresh somehow like the spring... can you bring that bowls a little closer to the screen please... just for a sniff :o)

  9. WE are THRILLED that you are liking the new kibble and that it is working well fur you... one of the others (SHASTA) who is doing the challenge... also mentioned Softer FURS... THAT is a good thingy, Right?

  10. Yummy stuff in that Chewy box
    Lily & Edward

  11. Glad you are ALL enjoying this new food. It is nice to all be eating the same thing, easier on the peeps BOL!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    Pee es
    we hope Dory & Arty's overnight practice trip for BAR goes well!! We hope to meet both of you!

  12. Glad you've found a food that everybody loves, especially Bilbo. We know how important it is to find food that is appetising for seniors.
    Dip and Elliot x

  13. That is such a great report - especially the part about Bilbo loving it. It isn't always easy to find something the older pup will eat AND like too.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  14. Oh Bilbo, we are sooooooo glad that you like the food. That is a big paws up for that food. Just look at everyone chowing down. Good stuff/

  15. We just love hearing that Bilbo likes the food! And it's making your coat silkier? We have to confess - our mom thinks you have such a beautiful coat and would LOVE to pet you! If that food is making it even silkier --- wow!! Now she's REALLY going to want to cuddle you!!!
    Maggie and I think your bowls are so cute!

  16. Wow! It looks like that is working out very well for yous!

    Your Back-From-Vacation Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. It's hard to find food for tiny mouths, isn't it? I run into that problem with Sinead quite a bit. It's one of the reasons we use a lot of dehydrated raw food, in fact. I can break that stuff up for her!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  18. Silky fur and I didn't think you could even more beautiful, Dory.

    Aroo to you,

  19. Glad you are all enjoying it together.

  20. this whole post is just too cute our cats get in boxes but never our dogs

  21. We're glad to hear this food is working so well for you, especially Bilbo.


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