
Flower Friday by the Sea

Welcome to the last Flower Friday of April!! 
Today  I am letting Mama post flowers she saw on a recent hike she took
by Arty's ocean.

It's a really pretty hike but there are lots of stairs and stuff she says are too steep for me.

...and we ALL know how Mama loves being by the ocean...

OK Mama...show us the flowers already!!
We are going to let you absorb the beauty with no subtitles
(and this has NOTHING to do with the fact that Mama doesn't know the name of most of these

Don't the flowers look twice as pretty with the ocean in the background!

We hope everyone has a pawsome weekend!!

What flowers have you found this week??
Show us and join up to the Flower Friday Blog Hop!!


  1. the ocean is a great place... my momma said the waves talk to her... but I never heard that... probably because of the security distance I always have to that wet stuff :o)

  2. The flowers, and the ocean and YOU Dory are all beautiful!

  3. Great flowers. We are just now starting to turn green and see flowers. Things are looking good.

  4. Those are such pretty flowers. Those are some different flowers for sure. And Dory, you look so good all dressed up and pretty. You all have a great week end too.

  5. The flowers are certainly pretty, but not as beeYOUtiful as you!

  6. Oh, so pretty - flowers AND Dory!!! Those little white flowers with the yellow centers remind Mom of the stephanotis she had in her bridal bouquet:)

    Happy Flower Friday.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  7. Hi Dory, looking great as always. Say, have you met Dante at TheDanteDiaries.Wordpress.com? I think you two would hit it off.

  8. OMD OMD you have a Flamingo Stuffie and Flamingo Glasses??? OH... we furgot ...ALOHA

    the flowers are all gorgeous.... butt we are in MAD LOVE with the Flamingo Glasses picture of YOU, Dory.


  9. Oh, Dory! Those are all so very beautiful! Mom especially loved the tiny blue ones with the yellow centers!

  10. Hi Dory...I love love love your swan glasses and your flowers by the sea...just amazing
    My dad is planting lots of potted plants this weekend and they are all suppose to have blooms so we're hopping to join you again next week
    hugs madi your bfff

  11. tell momma she gets a stand ovation on her flower fotos and your flamingo glasses are stunning. of course it could be the sweet face they are sitting on.. you are a an A-DORY flower all by your self.

  12. Wow! Those are such pretty flowers. Thanks for sharing. We are actually joining you for the blog hop today!

  13. Happy Friday Dory and Mama! I love all of those pretty flowers and can't name them either. I already had a post ready today, so will join the next Friday. I have some orchids that I'll be happy to share. Looks like you are having splendid weather, here in Colorado we are having rain and snow.
    Have a very festive weekend!
    Noreen and Hunter

  14. OMD! I think that's Kapalua :-) Happy Aloha Friday to you. Golden Woofs

  15. Anything with the ocean in the background is prettier! Thanks for sharing your beauty with us.

  16. Hari OM
    Let not the names distract from the beauty!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  17. We fink we could hear and smell the ocean in those pictures...could you bring mom a piece of the ocean when you go to the BAR?? Those flowers are so pretty.
    stella rose

  18. Beautiful flowers Dory and I is luffing your outfit
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  19. Very beautiful Dory! Oh, and the flowers are cute too! We say the comment about Arty's ocean and we are going to be quite a ways north in another country called Oregon. We will not be going down the whole coast but staying in one place called Barview Jetty.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Love your blossoms! Happy Flower Friday!

    ♥ Wyatt

  21. Very Beautiful flowers!!!!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  22. Crikey Dory .... those are some beautiful flowers and you're right ..... they do look good with an ocean background. Mum likes those little blue ones with the yellow centre too. She thinks they are called forget-me-knots. Maybe if you pick some of those and wear them on your collar you will forget me not, aye??

  23. The flowers are just beautiful! I love you posin' with your flamingo, Dory!

  24. Dory aren't you just adorable today! Your Friday flowers are beautiful too!


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