
Let's Go to the Maze!!! (Pawty Three)

 All aboard for the Hayride over to the
Blogville Maze!!

We may have to make a few trips, but no worries, we will get you there right as the sun goes down!!

I might be a little spooky, but we guarantee it will be fun...

..and maybe a bit romantic!!

 We brought the leftover food, so just follow your nose to the exit!

 Uh oh...Looks like Noodles and Christmas got separated!

 ...and Oreo too??? Where have those two wandered off to?

Arty and Mabel seemed to have wandered off too!!

Uh Oh....Looks like we may have a situation here....

Will the Candy Dates ever find there way out???
 Tune in this week to follow their adventures on:

Thank you Blogville  for joining us for this pawsome Halloween Pawty and we hope you have a safe and fun Halloween Night!!!

Special Announcement
Mama is keeping our No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters posts open for comment until 6pm PST. If you haven't commented yet, head over HERE and comment to help raise green papers for LBR and Marg's Animals!! We will give you a summary of how much we raised, along with the winner of our Giveaway in the Blogville Birthdays post tomorrow!


  1. Will we ever find our way out of this maze?

  2. Hari OM
    OMD this could be a never-ending pawty if that maze isn't solved within 87 hours!!! Will we need search and sniffer paws??? Will the election be pawstboned??? Will it turn out that along it was FBI... funny business intended???!!! I'll be flying back to find out! hugs and howlies, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. That Maze is so scary but I am sure I will sniff my way out very soon - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  4. oh I hope Arty&mabel find the way back.... fortunately that's not the maze from overlook howltel... or is it?

  5. What a grreat maze! The Great Casey-ini made FOUR pups disappear, BOL!

  6. That was so much fun, we've loved every minute of your party!
    Elliot and Cricket x

  7. wow, what a wonderful MAZE, hope the candy-dates are found before the election.. everyone looks like they are loving this maze. tell Mama I dropped off a blanket, a roll of 50 really large plastic bags and a brand new collar today at the spca. I nearly cried because they have so many cats the lobby was full of cages with some as many as 4 kittens. the walls were lined with cages. I said you are over run and she said the two cat rooms are so full we had to do this. broke my heart.

  8. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that maze is A mazin G!! I sure do hope I don't drop anything in there...it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
    Dory et al what a fantastic job you have done with this entire Treats for Shelters and now this big Bash! Bravo standing ovation.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. Mom is missing us a lot right now. She really hopes we can find the way out of that maze, But we say let's keep the fun going for a while longer - this is great!!!

    Happy Howloween.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  10. This party is super fun and me and hazel are having fun.


  11. I hope everyone finds their way out!! We have had SOOOOO much fun today, what a great party!

    Abby Lab

  12. I'm right behind you Abby... We will stick together and Not get TOO lost.

    Hey Ernie... be SURE you Pee before going into the scary Maze.. Just sayin.

    Happy Howl O Ween to EVERYBUDDY.

  13. Oh a MAZE, how funs…where are you Chester????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  14. We are exhausted
    Happy Halloween
    Lily & Edward

  15. What a fun maze! Happy Halloween!

  16. Wow Dory! What a pawsome party! We hope everyone found their way out of the maze and is safe and sound!

    Happy Howloween!
    Braeden, Seth and Riley

  17. We better send a search party into the maze to find the lost ones. Maybe Emma and Bailey with their super sniffers can help.

  18. Wishing everyone a HAPPEE HOWLOWEENIE since we weren't able to get a post of our own up. We had a terrific time at your party. And we thank you for putting this together for everyone.

  19. Wishing everyone a HAPPEE HOWLOWEENIE since we weren't able to get a post of our own up. We had a terrific time at your party. And we thank you for putting this together for everyone.

  20. OMD! What happened to the candy dates? Were they dog napped??????

    Your Curious Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. It's a cliff hanger. What happened to the candy dates? Can't wait to find out. I hope they got their dinners before they got lost, and that someone has a pooper scooper for the maze, LOL!

  22. Happy Howl-ween!
    Mes came to say Hi!
    But now mes losted!!! But that's OK, mes having a really cool time!

  23. OMD, what a FABulous pawty!!!!!!! I don't knows when I had such a FABulous time!!!!!! You guys are the bestestestest hosts EVER!!!! Thanks soooo much for all your hard work in putting all this together! We loves you!!!!
    I hopes you guys had a most FABulous Howloweeeeen!!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: sorry I missed the comment thingie...Ma's a little late on SO many things! I told her she had to give an extra ten green papers to the shelter for punishment! ☺

  24. That was a completely pawsome maze adventure! Hope the Candy Dates have recovered and found their way out. Well done, guys!


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