
Holding On to Summer.....

What do you mean there is only a week left of Summer??

June was just yesterday wasn't it??? 

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


  1. It wuz 97 here today, so it's still summer to my momma!

  2. In Scotland we know all too well that our summers can be over after a couple of warm days in June.....

  3. Hari OM
    sighh..... what Bertie said... and therefore, little sympawthee from me! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. The summer did fly by fast, Rosy!

  5. Get ready for fun Fall. Xox Xena and Lucy

  6. We are thrilled to see summer go away, but it is giving us a few hot and humid days as a send off which we are not happy about! Bring on winter is how we feel, but we know most people prefer hot weather.

  7. Hey darling niece...I'll send you my extra 2 or 3 weeks of summer via Amazon Prime. I'm over the hot, hazy,humid days of out endless summer.
    Hugs your Aunty HiC

  8. we have had SUMMER in the 90's since the first week of April and I want it gone... for the first time in 35 years, we have been running AC since April and our power bills are reflecting it. you can have ours if I can get it there

  9. We are ready for fall too. Hope the fall weather lasts for a long time - we do not like snow!

  10. I can't wait for summer to leave. Fall has MUCH nicer temperatures! I'm ready to get back to TWO walks a day.

  11. We like Fall here too, but not what comes after it! Brrrrr!

  12. It's true, Rosy. I was spring a minute ago and summer is almost over. It's supposed to rain here today. You are sure a pretty girl.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. My best to your siblings and your peeps. ♥

  13. Summer is hanging on around here with temps that are more summer like than fall.

  14. It's too hot for summer to be over!!!

  15. We're sure it was!!!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. We are glad to have it cool off a bit but sure not ready for summer to go yet
    Mabel & Hilda

  17. Yeah, it even RAINED TODAY! oh my. Butts, the good news is.....THE NINERS WON!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!
    AND, they looked FABulous doin' it! Oh, it's been a long time since Ma watched a game all the way through...she usually gets sad and turns it off. Paws crossed for the rest of the season!
    Ruby ♥

  18. With the kind of heat we've had this summer, I am kind of looking forward to the official change even if Indian Summer is still a warm time of year. The golden light is so beautiful this time of year.

  19. We are pretty sure that summer just started. Where did the time go?? We are looking forward to some cooler temps.

  20. Lulu: "Summer seems to be sticking around here -- it's been in the 80s and is going to keep doing that all this week!"
    Charlee: "We think it's great, we love the heat."
    Chaplin: "Yes, Dada keeps muttering about electricity and air conditioning though."
    Charlee: "Pfft. Like that's OUR problem."


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