
Summertime....and the Livin' is Easy

Life is Good! 
(from Mama: Life is good for Rosy, but Sunny goes in for a dental and to have 2 teeth extracted today. If you could send a little prayer or POTP her way that things go smoothly it would be soooo appreciated)



Happy Heavenly Birthday Arty

You were always happiest when we were on the road....

 Road trips to nowhere
 Lighthouse tours

Covered bridge adventures

Meeting new friends
Winery visits

CeCe Road trips
Meeting your best gal Mabel

 and the many trips to visit your ocean

Road Trips haven't been the same since you left for the Rainbow Bridge

You will be forever riding shotgun in my heart, Big Guy!



Memorial Day 2022

Home of the Free


of the Brave!

Remembering all those, both human and canine, who gave their all for our country.

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Nature Friday FFF

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!  
Blogville Cheer
by Rosy
In a world so full of fear
It's always nice to spread some cheer.
The news, depressing, many in fright
All the more reason to spread color and light

So when the earth seems full of woe,
It's off to Blogville Mama does go.
From Scotland to Canada; the US
to the British Isles
There are so many reasons to crack a smile. 
Funny brothers in France, and silly kitties galore
Always has Mama smiling more.

So if you ever find yourself in fear,
Come to Blogville and find some cheer!!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see the link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Quiet Time

Today, I (Sunny) am thankful for quiet Mommy and me
 time on the back porch.

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



The Mighty Huntress


Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Happy Sunny Punny Turtle Tuesday!

In honor of World Turtle Day yesterday, today we have a 
 turtle funny punny!

 Wait...what's that Mama, you let Daddy pick out today's punny??
Here we go...
What do you call a turtle that poops a lot???
A Turdle!

Do you know any Funny Turtle Punnies??

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


You Hooo!

Mama, I think you forgot somepuppy!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Backyard Birdies on Nature Friday!

Rosy here, in my Bird of Paradise bandana, to give you a peek at some of the birdies we have been seeing in our backyard!  

First up we have a female Gambel's Quail. They are pretty skittish and, for some reason, they fly up and sit on the fence whenever I come outside....

Next up, we have a couple types of  hummingbird friends that like to visit our feeders. The Black Chinned hummingbirds, like this guy, visit every day. They argue and fight over who gets first dibs at the feeder.

We think this may be a Broad Tailed hummingbird, but Mama is having a hard time identifying it because they don't sit still too long! 
They both fly over my head most of the time, so I haven't had a chance to "observe" them.

You will probably recognize our next guests. They visit in the middle of the day to get a drink from our waterfall and sometimes stay to take a bath. 

 Here we have a juvenile Cooper's Hawk.  He never lands when I am outside, but Mama says he sure is cute, she loves his little heart pantaloons!

 He hunts the doves in the backyard, thankfully, Mama hasn't seen him catch any!
 Here is a mature Cooper's Hawk getting a drink of water. Aren't his eyes a wonderful shade of reddish orange?

Mama thinks these guys are beautiful too,  and seem very intense even when they are splashing water everywhere!
 She also wants me to tell you that these hawks are smaller than all of us dogs and well, they never come close the backyard when I'm around. So don't worry about us getting carried away by him!  
Needless to say,  I will most likely never get to "observe" him.

You will most like see many more birdies making an appearance on Nature Fridays in the future.   Mama has decided that she wants to "officially" watch birdies.

Although Mama has been watching birds for years, apparently when you get a book, and start recording what birds you see, you become an "Official" Birdy watcher...
Humans, am I right??? 

We hope all our friends get to watch some birdies or other nature this weekend!!



Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see the link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful Thursday - Observations

 We are very thankful to have a full hunting animal observation schedule here in our backyard! Mornings we chase observe bunnies, in the evenings we try and eat observe the local froggies and the afternoons are spent trying to catch observing lizards!!
By we...I mean mostly me(Rosy) although sometimes Sunny will assist.
This is one of my favorite lizard stomping observation areas. The lizards like to hide under the fake rock that hides some kind of sprinkler controls.  I like to check on them by pawing at the rock then,  they shoot out and I chase them! You know, so I can observe them closer...
Come out little lizard, and say hi to my bloggy friends...
 Mr.  Lizzz.....

 Unfortunately, lizards are wicked fast. I have yet to catch observe them close up before they scamper up to the top of the fence to sunbathe.

No Mama, seeing a picture of him close up is 
 NOT the same...... 

I am thankful that lizards seem to be very plentiful and everyday brings new observation opportunities!


Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


One Word Wednesday



Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!