
Seeing Beautiful on Flower Friday

Happy Flower Friday from Dahlia Central, also known as Sequoia Gardens!

We are also joining our friend Sugar for {This Moment} See Beautifulthis week.  Mama says she always Sees Beautiful in my Eyes and in Dahlia blooms.

With the end of dahlia season right around the corner,  Mama talked me into doing yet another Flower Friday featuring these gorgeous flowers she is obsessed with.

Because Mama gives out most of our cookies, I agreed.

This week, for Seeing Beautiful on Flower Friday, Mama decided to put together a side show featuring the 87 million dahlias she has taken pictures of during the past month.
 We sure hope you enjoy it!

Please view it HERE, at You Tube,  if you cannot view the video here!

 We hope you are seeing lots of Beautiful where you live!!

 Thanks so much for joining us for Flower Friday this week, feel free to hop aboard and show us what flowers are blooming in your corner of the world (If you don't see the link here, please click HERE to go to our Hoppity page)!!

Don't forget to check out Easy's Pawlympic Event Happening Today:
Tuneful Farting hosted by Easy



  1. The Dahlia's are just gorgeous!

  2. Dahlias are just wonderful... the mama bought some at a show once butt sadly not one of that guys made it... although I always watered them... a miracle :o)

  3. Beautiful post today, I just luffs those Dahlias
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Hari OM
    Dory, I share your mama's love of the D's - that vid is beyond beautiful! Happy Fridy Darlin', hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Everything has been extra beautiful this year with great growing conditions, but soon things will start to die off and the fall beauty will set in. Very pretty flowers you found.

  6. Mom is beautiful girl and mom is beautiful flowers. Nothing better. There is nothing like a camera and flowers and your mom

  7. You know Dory, your mom may be obsessed with Dahlias but boy is she making us obsessed with them too! They are just such gorgeous flowers. Wow!

  8. Our mom would be obsessed with them , too! They're GORGEOUS!
    I hope you got LOTS of cookies.

  9. Your mama has pawsome taste, Dory. And fabulous flowers!! Happy weekend. 😍

  10. We always see beeYOUtiful when we look at your flower posts!

  11. Our mom is hoping to see some of those dahlias in Oregon!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. There are so many different and beautiful dahlia's. Thanks so much for sharing all your beautiful pictures.

  13. WE love the slide show of the flowers. Dory, you are looking mighty good yourself with all your nice flowers. You all have a great week end.

  14. Oh my gosh,
    those are the most beautiful flowers that I ever did see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW

  15. All those dahlias are so beautiful!!! And of course, you are the most beautiful of all, Dory.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  16. I can see why your mom is obsessed with dahlias. They are glorious! But not compared to you, Dory! You are the most beautiful of them all.


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