
Beach Boyz

Arty here today to show you some pictures of trip we took to my beach in honor of my birthday!!

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE the beach?!!?

I could spend the whole day zooming around on the sand!!

Mama can always get a picture of me and my smiley!

Jakey likes the beach too, especially when he is with Daddy!

He doesn't like getting his pawsies wet like I do, but he loves feeling the sand in his paw pads!

Come on Daddy, come on Jakey...time for a 
Boyz only picture before we head home!

Hey...wait up!!!



  1. you are the cutest beach boys ever... and I bet all pups who visit YOUR beach can see your paw prints and they know that you were the furst pups on that beach ;o)

  2. Just look at that beach....all YOURS! How wonderful.

  3. Hari OM
    OMD Arty and Jakey - you got quality time with dad outta this - double the fun!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Great beach photos. Especially the boyz all together one.

  5. Beaches and dogs just go so well together! Great pics...beautiful beach!!

  6. You have your own beach???? Sooooo jealous right now! And it looks like a fantastic place to play.

    Mara from Norway

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mayor Arty, Jakey and Dad...your mom has the most handsomest beach boyz we have ever seen and OH what smiles they have too.
    Sending hugs to you all
    Madi your bfff

  8. You are lucky you have a great beach like that to go to. I miss a real beach all the time in the summer!

  9. I love your smileys, yours and Jakey's and I love Da Boyz photo, my favorite is Da Boyz wandering off in to the magical mystical beach at the end.

  10. Beautiful pictures! Lucky you!

  11. How great that you can all spend quality time at such an uncrowded beach. Arty and Jakey, that sure does look like fun! Your smiles made US smile! :)

  12. So glad you had a great trip to the beach. I wish I had a beach somewhere near me.

  13. Love beach pics! I can almost hear a few Beach Boy songs singing in the background.

  14. Your beach is nice and sandy! Our beaches are either rocky and covered in shells, or covered in drift wood...

  15. OMD dat looks like a pawesome day at da beach!! Happy Belated Birthday Arty :)

    Matt (& Matilda)

  16. Mom always tells us about how much she loves the beach too. Now if only we could get her to move closer to one!!! Looks like it was a great day for ll.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  17. Now those are the REAL Beach Boyz! We will have fun zooming around the beach in August!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. We adore the beach too. Especially when it stinks like fishies
    Lily & Edward

  19. the beach looks like an pawsome place to have fun and your smiley pictures make me smile real big!!!

  20. One more boy and you could have a beach boys band! I love your smiley pictures. They are beautiful and you both look very happy. I am glad you had a good birthday, Mayor Artie.

  21. We would love to go to the beach. I am hoping to take the boys to Galveston this summer. Y'all look so cute out there with your daddy ♥

  22. What fun times! You know, I've NEVER been to the beach. I think we need to take another road trip.

  23. It looks like you boys were having a great time at the beach.


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