
President's Day Tunneling

 Happy President's Day efurrybody! 
Today, in honor of President Washington and President Lincoln, I will be showing you my latest tunneling project!

 First, let me show you the most favorite of all my playgrounds. I call it the Lincoln Log Playground(in honor of President Lincoln or.....maybe the logs AND President Lincoln). Anyways, the LLP is a GREAT place to chase mousies, kill spiders AND hide from the Mama...You see, it is on the side of the house where Mama cannot see and when I was a wee little puppy,  I could run real fast and hide in the Mousie House!  Mama would search and search and totally freak out until I popped out from behind the  log pile!

Fun,  right??? 

Well Mama didn't think so and erected the George Washington Bridge....well it's more of a fence. Whatever it is, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't jump over!

 Mama forgot I am also an expert in excavating! 
In no time, I constructed the Lincoln Log Tunnel.  I could go in and play whenever I wanted, as long as I didn't make Mama wait when she called!
Well, one day it took me a bit longer than usual to come back inside...and Mama found my handy work and thought she could close my tunnel!!

This just called for some super secret pawfessional tunneling! I made some calculations, and in no time....

I had an alternate tunnel route!! 
You can't stop an expert Mama!!

 Ummmmmm....ok, maybe you can temporarily put a halt to my Lincoln Log Tunnel excatavion work

I still have my tunnel to China!!!


  1. Happy presidents Day and happy digging ;O))) it's great that girls have such a fabulous sense for tunnels and construction work too... 4 paws and a wagging tail for an eggs-cellent work!

  2. Hari OM
    BOL... Rosy, with determination like that, I have no doubt you could create your own rabbit warren!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Way to tunnel!

    Me and Brinley can come help ya dig if ya get your momma blocking ya again.

  4. Moms can be such killjoys. Keep up the great diggin' work, Rosy! Happy President's Day!

  5. Looks like the boys have been showing you how to get all dirty and how to play in construction :)

  6. I am really sorry for all the laughter coming out of my face, so don't tell Mama about it. we lived with a tunnel digger, Baby Girl could dig to China in 60 seconds or less. i LOVED this story of the tunnel digging girl.... mom is creative with her building for sure.

  7. You are such a busy worker sweet Rosy, and darn cute too!

  8. I wonder if u ever figured out tunneling+dirt=bath.

  9. I love hunting in the wood pile! The Mousie Mob, the Conniving Chipmunk Consortium, the Sneaky Shrew Syndicate, and sometimes even the Secretive Bunny Militia hide in there! You should be allowed full access to your wood pile so you can do your hunting duties.

  10. Rosy your name is growing now it is Nosy Rosy SassyPants. My word above little niece you are a paw full but let me just tell you this is not your Mama's first rodeo and she will WIN this game you are playing. But dang you look so cute. Do you get baffs after a dig?
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. Mom gets scared for a reason, but you are clever.

  12. Hee, hee Rosy. Are you part gopher as well as spider/mouse wrangler?

  13. Rosy, we suggest you watch a few of those WW2 movies like 'The Great Escape' for further tunnelling inspiration.
    Toodle pip!

  14. Rosy you are one determined little pup. How come your brothers aren't helping you with your tunnel?

  15. Ooooooooo, Rosy, you're keeping your Mama on her toes!

  16. My goodness Rosy! we are thinking that maybe Auntie Angel Greta has been whispering in your ear. She was always into mischief!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Good work, Rosy - at least YOU are making some progress on our infrastructure problems, not like some of those humans!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. It seems there is just no stopping you when you set your mind to something, Rosy!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Gurl, all I gots to say is...IMPRESSIVE! You knows you can't stop a doggie on a huntin' mission! I have faith that you will dig a new tunnel in no time! Just remembers not to lets your Moms wait when she calls...that seems to be your downfall...happy diggin' gurl! (oh, don't tells your Moms or my Ma that I said ANY of this....)
    Ruby ♥
    pees: no snow yet....next chance is Wednesday...paws crossed!

  20. Don't give up. I know you can get back in. And your mom should thank you. You are keeping her on her toes.

  21. Way to keep the momma on her toes, Rosy!

  22. hello rosy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow yoo shoor ar wun industryus puppy!!! my dada sez yoo ar the robert moses of puppies!!! hooever robert moses is!!! ok bye


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