
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Save the Date!!!

 Rosy here today to make sure you save the date for a FUN Blogville event!!!

 Mayor Arty has rented out the Blogville amusement park for us to pawty in this Memorial Day!!! You can ride the rides, fill up on junk food and then come on over to join the Gang at LLB for a fun BBQ(more on the BBQ next week)


 As a pawfect ending to a pawfect day 
 The Diva Slippers and the Wizards will pawform in their
very first concert!!!!

 So be thinking about what rides you'll be riding....and we will have Mama create a Blog Hop so we can hop around and see the fun and excitement happening all around Blogville!

Pawfessor Jakey will be holding a refresher course at the beginning of May to help you get on the ride of your choice!

Make sure to mark this Memorial Day, May 28th, on your calendar, and join us for a day of fun and excitement.


  1. I noted that date in my pawlendar... and is there candy cotton and a ghost train too?

  2. This sounds like LOTS of fun!

  3. Niece Rosy SassyPants, Arty and Jakey I am so excited about this wonderful fun event to kick off the great out of doors for summer 2018. My mind is running wild with ideas
    hugs Aunty Madi

  4. That sounds like a great event gang!

  5. i can barely remember things in the next few days, this far away i should be ok, since you and Madi will keep reminding us. sounds like a big Memorial day party with most of the blogville gang......

  6. hari OM
    At first, I panicked... got a lot on just now. Then re-read the date. May. Phew. May is good. Calendar updated. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun!!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. OMD, this is going to be so much fun! I wanna ride EVERY roller coaster! TWICE!!


  9. This sounds like a great event. We can't wait to ride some roller coasters.

  10. This is gioing to be so much fun. We just have to figure out how to get there. As we told Madi, the Mom and Dad are going to Texas that weekend and we are going to be locked away in doggy camp/jail!!! We are going to start saving for our bond so we can ride the rides and woo along with the band.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. This sounds like so much fun Arty! And the Tunnel of Love!!
    I can hardly wait!!

    Your Gal

  12. We have added it to our calendar (that we actually have filled in now) and plan on rockin' the night away!

  13. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Can we ride the Eiffel Tower? ~Xena

  14. Lady is gonna have to get on this as she will be partying, we mean at a serious work conference that weekend!

  15. OMD dat sounds like a barking good time. We just had Mama pencil it in to her calendar :)

    Matt & Matilda


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