
Thankful for Little Sister and Cake, Especially Cake!

 Because you only have one First Birthday, we decided we would do something special(and yummy) for Rosy this year!

 Mama had a banana mix in the pantry and I added an egg, some oil and water and mixed it all together to make her some pup cakes!
 I must have mixed it for 87 minutes(or maybe 3) to get it all blended together.
Thank goodness Mama was there to help!

 Mama, can you use your thumbs and pour the batter into the pupcake tin?

 Good job Mama...now let's get them in the oven!

Jakey had to take a nap after all that hard work!

 I couldn't sleep tho, because the house was filled with the wonderful smell of baking pup cakes!!

 Another 87 minutes(or maybe 20) later the pup cakes came out of the oven...and THEN Mama said they have to cool for ANOTHER 87 minutes!

 FINALLY, after they were cooled, Mama put some yogurt icing on them and Jakey and I got to decorate them! I know how much Rosy LOVES her HALO Salmon Liv-A-Littles. Well, we had some of the powder and treat bits Mama was saving for a special occasion and I decided to sprinkle some on top of the frosting!

 Jakey knows how much Rosy enjoys her peanut-ty butter so he used some delicious Peanut Butter and Honey Cesar Softies on top of the rest of the cakes!

 Then it happened, Jakey just couldn't help himself, he HAD to taste one of those nommy looking pup cakes! 

Mama said he was soooo cute that she didnt have the heart to say no.
(Good job Jakey!)

 Needless to say, if Jakey got to taste one, I had to taste one too!

Of course, after all the commotion, the almost Birthday Girl walked in and caught us taste tasting! It was only fair that we went ahead and let her taste one too!
 She REALLY enjoyed licking all the icing off!

 ...and the look on her face as she ate her pup cake was all the thanks we could ask for!

Today we are very thankful for our little sister on her almost first birthday

...and for Pup Cakes too!!!

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. oooh who said boys can not bake? they sure can... and the cakes are like art pieces... well done... and a HAPPY HAPPY furst Birthday to your ROSY!!!!

  2. Oh those cakes look just brilliant. You guys should set up a catering business! No, make that a TV show. You would be stars for sure.
    Toodle pip!

  3. Those look super tasty! We can tell you all had fun baking together! Happy Birthday a little early!

  4. Hari OM
    OMD you are the most wonderfurs brofurs to bake a batch for Rosy's first bark day - well done boyz!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Banana pupcakes! yummmm - and you decorated them so beautifully, boys!

  6. Siblings can be a real pain, but they are nice for celebrations because it means we all get to celebrate more. Nice job on the pupcakes.

  7. Happy Almost sweet Rosy, now you can have your cake and eat it too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. You are the bestest brothers ever!!!!!!!!
    love and hugs and Happy day before your 1st birthday Rosy!
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. Rosy is lucky to have such sweet brothers. You boys did a great job with making those pupcakes.

  10. OMD, pupcakes!! Looks like you've got enough for me. I'm on my way!

  11. Proof that birthdays can be fun for everyone. Keep enjoying Rosy's birthday week, boys (and Rosy, of course). <3

  12. Those pupcakes look yummy!

    And happy birthday again Rosy!

    Mara, Brom (and Mouse) and Miss Oswin from NI

  13. OMCs Jakey and Arty your baking skills are off the chart. You know galz love guyz who cook...in fact a guy who can cook makes them weak in the knees.

    Rosy your brudders are so sweet to you and treat you just like the Princess you are.
    I'm thankful to have be your friend and Aunty
    Hugs Madi

  14. Happy almost Birthday Miss Rosy!
    Your cupcake look good.
    We had homemade pupkin treats yesterday.
    Let's just say my ma could have used
    your brother's help. Diaster, we ate them anyway.
    xo Astro and Mitzie

  15. You guys are pawsome chefs and so sweet to bake for your little sister. Well done! 🎂

  16. and in addition to all the merriment and food, we all get to laugh out loud while we watch what went on... Jakey was so 'focused' I just knew he was about to grab one, and he did... so sweet so cute

  17. I only tried Pupcakes once and your idea of making it into cupcakes is brilliant! What a great way to celebrate! Happy Barkday!

  18. So you all had three, that means there are still nine left - does that mean our birthday party invitation is in today's peemail because we are on our way to your place to have a few bites too:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. Oh my gosh! You actually got birthday cupcakes. Those are so cool Your mom is the best.

  20. HOLY BAKER BOYZ! You guys did a FABulous job! I thinks I can smell them from down here.....oh waits, that's just the neighbors bbqin'! BOL!
    Okays, I'll be up for a taste!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: no, it hasn't cooled off here! good things we gots a/c or I would be one grumpy Airechick!

  21. You two boys did a fabulous job making those pupcakes and decorating them! You were so cute when you taste tested!

    Happy Birthday, Rosy! We all love you, and your family loves you most of all! I loved the look on your face after tasting your pupcakes!

  22. ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Rosy,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪


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