
Artsy Farmers Market Flower Friday

Happy Flower Friday!!

Today we are going to take an artsy look at these flowers Mama got from the Farmers Market!

Never fear, Arty is here...looking Artsy!

Oh Arty...I said ArtSy not Arty silly boy!

Now, let's look at those flowers!!

A pixallated group of Chrysanthemums(we think)
with a focus on the orange!

Mirrored bouquet fun!

Fading to yellow...


...and we'll finish up with a saturated
close up!

Have a fantabulous weekend everypawdy!

Flower Friday
Flower Friday here in Our Backyard is all about spreading cheer, while sharing a bit of your corner of Blogville! Just post a picture of flowers blooming, or any nature picture(with or without your pet) and hop aboard!!  
Please click HERE if you don't see the linky below


  1. that is so super beautiful!!!! and I love the quote, it is so true... more than ever...

  2. Hari Om
    Rosy, this is a fantabulous series - my personal fave - apart from the one up top of you - is the mirror bouquet!!! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Such bright and beautiful and cheerful flowers!

  4. Very pretty, cheery flowers you have. Around here, everything is turning to fall, which is also a nice change up.

  5. What a lovely flower arrangement. Happy Flower Friday.

  6. at first I thought momma picked those from your yard, they are GORGEOUS!!! and I would like them in the middle of my kitchen table... you both look so sweet posing with the Arty artsy flowers

  7. What a fun At(s)y Friday. Love the different affects, and of course, love you, Rosy, and your brother Arty, too. Good job!

  8. What a beautiful arrangement of such colorful flowers. We have to say that Arty did crack us up a bit.

  9. What beautiful flowers, and made even more fun with all the artiness - we mean artsiness! :)

    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Beautiful flowers, beautiful sentiment. ๐ŸŒป

  11. Oh Rosy, you are just as pretty as the flowers! And hurray, I didn't know that Arty was a foster failure, too!

  12. Love the bright colors and the cute models๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Thank you, Rosy and Artsy (ha ha)! Those are incredibly vibrant flower colors. I love them!

  14. That was a great find for your Mama. The flowers are so pretty and they all look like they were just picked - so pretty.

    And we like Artsy Arty:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Wow! Those are some spectacular flowers!

  16. OMD! Those are magnificent! We need to go to our farmer's market and explore. Do they smell good too?

  17. Your mama found some extra special blooms at the Farmers Market. Well done!

  18. Oh my goodness sweet niece, you do an excellent job on Flower Friday! We know your angel sister Dory would be so proud of you!! Did you help your mom decorate the blog? Our mom was VERY impressed that it looked so beautiful and pawfessional!

    Your Pals Who Are Checking In,

    Murphy & Stanley


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