
Happy Dr. Seuss Day!!!

 Some days I like to read,
But total quiet I need.
Rosy and Arty
are way too barky...

 So I made a deal, 
all legal and sealed.
Until Dr. Seuss Day
They were to play
All dressed in Blue as 
Thing One and Thing Two!

 I would be remiss
to say they weren't missed 
I was happy to see
They were returned to me!

 Even though they are rowdy
I still missed their howdy
There was only one snare...
They kept their silly blue hair!

 We three are here together to say
Have a very Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

The day has just begun
Make sure to join the FUN!

Make sure hop around and see all the fun Dr. Seuss posts!


  1. What a beautiful poem in honour of Dr Seuss Day! Hope you have a good one (I forgot again).

    Klem, Mara

  2. Hari OM
    Golly, golly, and thrice golly gosh
    you smashed the Seussicals requirement
    yes, of it all you made squash!
    You rhymed and told us a wonderfurs tale
    and we thank you for brining to us
    this eggselent time to share!!!
    (Okay, that didn't really work - but it means I loved it!)
    Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Umbrellas and Fish
    Oh How we wish
    we could be there
    to see that blue hair.... good Job Arty Love love love it... all of you are looking adorable.

  4. What a fabulous poem! Happy Dr Seuss Day!

  5. We love things 1 and 2.
    For some reason it won't let us join your blog hop. It won't let us select an image, but we are joining you!

  6. Blue hair what a scare
    Our Mom almost wound up with purple hair
    All of you are so cute we are thrilled to be hopping with you.

  7. Oh my stars you have made me giggle
    My coffee is hollering stop that wiggle
    Or you will be in a pickle
    Hugs Aunty HiC

  8. OMD ya'll are just da cutest in your Dr. Seuss dress ups!! Loved your poem Jakey :)

    Matt & Matilda

  9. We love you Dr. Seuss post. Did Arty and Rosy get to take their blue hair off yet?

  10. You guys are the cutest 'Things 1 and 2" we've ever seen! Bravo for the blue thingies.

  11. Wow, Jakey! Tell me what kind of deal you struck to get rid of the bothersome two for a while. Lucy
    Arty and Rosy, you look pawsome in your new blue do. Dr. Seuss Day sure is fun!! Xena

  12. Oh my goodness!!!!! Thing 1 and Thing 2 are so cute with their blue hair!

  13. How fun and I love you as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

    Have a woof woof Dr. Seuss Day. ♥

  14. BOL, you guys sure look pawesome as Thing 1 and Thing 2! But how come you got to just wear the blue hair? Momma said Pigeon and I had to wear the whole suit!

  15. Bravo, very well done. Jakey, don't worry about the blue hair, at least you will be able to spot the two Things when they try to sneak up on you.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. We stopped back to thank you all for giving us so many smiles today with the Dr. Seuss celebration!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. That is so-o cool that you dressed up like THINGs, too! I thought only my family was silly! Say, I'll tried my t-shirt for one of your bandanas! I'm not sure I'm crazy about wearing a t-shirt! Tee hee hee. You all are too fun! I luv all the Seuss purr-ops in your photos! My tummy's hungry for fishes now! Thanks for hosting the blog hop! Purr purr purr. -Valentine (& Kerry) of Noir Kitty Mews

  18. Your pups are so cute
    and your kitty too
    All dressed up
    Like a Dr Seuss zoo!

  19. This was so great! You did a wonderful tribute!
    Cam and Mags

  20. “So be sure when you step, step with care and great tact" that is what Lee says when she takes out one of my poo sacks. "And remember that life is a great balancing act.” Happy Seuss Day!
    Sweet William The Scot

  21. BOL! I had blue hair today too!!! What a fun day
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. Goodness gracious, you sure look good in your blue hair, etc. Thing 1 and Thing 2, you are just terrific. Happy Dr. Seuss day.

  23. your graphics are just adorable!!! You put so much work into this! Well done and Happy Dr.Seuss Day!

  24. We are loving everyone's Dr. Seuss tributes but yours is very special! Great job and thanks for being a pawsome host.

  25. hay ewe dawgz......thanx for stoppin bye de land oh trout on caturday
    ...we gotta say yur seuss post total lee rox...thanx all sew for de linkee
    we mezzed up R foto but we still had fun :) ☺☺♥♥


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