
Puppy Memories

Funny how when a birthday rolls around, Mama always thinks back to when we were younger. Well, she started going through the 87 million pictures she's taken of me through the past three years.
The one above was taken in Washington state as I started my way to my new home. Wow, my leggies were long even at 8 weeks old!

Here is a short video Mama put together of some more of my puppy antics!

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube.

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


  1. Hari OM
    Just too cute for words! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. You were sure one cute pup, Sunny, and we loved your video!

  3. Niece Sunny A D O R A B L E!!
    OMDs I had forgotten that your furs were almost the color of Mamas favorite drink a cappuccino when you were a baby.
    Hugs Aunty C

  4. You were an adorable puppy and now you are an adorable young lady pup.

  5. You sure were a cute little pup, Sunny. Of course, you still are super cute now. We can't believe how much your coloring has changed.

  6. Java Bean: "Once a puppy, always a puppy! At least that's what our Dada says!"

  7. Sunny, your puppy video is just too adorable for words.

  8. Such a fun look back sweet Sunny, that video was fun, fun, fun, good job Mom!

  9. I bet you were fun to play with even then! XOXOX Chia

  10. OMC, oops sorry, not ohmycat ... but Oh My Dog, er ... Oh My Pup, could you have been any cuter? Well, actually yes, cause you're so cute now we always want to jump right into our 'puter and hug you!


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