
Thankful Thursday - Found Out!

An interesting thing happened the other morning while I was doing my morning backyard rounds. As you know by now, Mama likes to spy on birdies. We are thankful for this because the time it takes for her to look through the hundreds of birdy surveillance video clips are hours she isn't dressing us up!
But anyway....there I was, doing my rounds when  saw this....
Birdy: Hmmmm, what's this?? It looks a bit militant....
Uh Oh...Looks like the jig might be up for Mama's spying....

Birdy: Wait a minute...I think I remember Robby Robin saying they were filming that new reality show, Birds Gone Bad. This is probably just one of their cameras!

Whew, that was a close one!
Mama's gonna be so thankful for the fact that birds are so silly!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. aaah now you have howly wood in your back yard... isn't that great?

  2. Hari OM
    Narrow escape... you were nearly as good as the spy camera, Rosy, just a pity you don't have a recording button! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. As long as the birds are being filmed and not you and your sister, it isn't such a big deal. It would be terrible if you were being spied on!

  4. i hope we get to see what the camera saw, a closeup of a BEAK should be very interesting. I can tell you were peeking at the bird peeking and mama was peeking at you peeking

  5. Good think you fooled that birdie. Maybe your mom is filming the backyard version of Big Brother. BOL!

  6. BOL BOL BOL That is one cheeky birdie. Anything to occupy da mama so she doesn't pull out all the dress up stuff
    Hugs Aunty C

  7. Lulu: "🎵 Bad birds bad birds, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they spy on you? 🎵"

  8. One day those birds will realise they really do live in a surveillance society.
    And what then...??

  9. That's funny, I thought it was gonna poop on the camera! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Birds Gone Bad, BOL!!! Watch out, Rosie, if you try to catch and eat that bird the film will be Dogs Gone Bad!! XOX Xena

  11. We have a baby cowbird who's foster mom, a little chipping sparrow wants him to move on. Now he sits around the feeder and hopes the other birdies might feed him. He's a spoiled birdie!


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