
Thankful for Snow Days!

This week we are thankful for the "all not knowing" weather humans.

They said we were going to get
a dusting of snow....
Well,  it dusted....and dusted... 
Until there was about 4 inches of fun, exciting "dust"

Needless to say, we had a blast!
Mama made a little video....

You can also watch it HERE on you YouTube Channel

We are so thankful that we went from a few flurries,
to the funnest snow day of the year!!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. wow that was a lot of dust.. probably the dust in the wind from that song... happy white february ...

  2. What fun! Love the video and the jolly music.

  3. Hari Om
    I had a sneak peek on the tubular yesterday... And was a little bit envious of your 'dusting'! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. The snow is so much fun to play in! Love your winter hats with matching bandanas!

  5. definitely not just a dusting. i could not stop smiling and laughing, you two were having a grand time and looking so cute. I wonder what Beau would do...

  6. We were supposed to get maybe an ich of slush last night and we got about 4 inches of heavy wet snow. All of us are thrilled. It will all melt in a couple days when it gets too warm again, but we are thankful to have what we have in the meantime.

  7. OMDs Nieces Rosy and Sunny
    It seems to me that with all the fancy doppler equipment the blabbers have they could get weather forecast correct. You scored on their error. What wonderful snowy romps you had too.
    Sending hugs Aunty C

  8. Lulu: "That's a pretty thick layer of dust!"

  9. You two sure were having fun playing in the snow. It's wonderful to see you girls playing together.

  10. Oh my goodness, that was sure a lot of dusting and your video was so fun! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. You two look like you had a blast. Sometimes me and Chia play like that, too. XOX Xena
    Hey, Sunny, did your feet get cold? Mine get really cold, even without the snow. But you make it look like fun. XOXOXOX Chia

  12. That was a sweet snow video. The pups are sure enjoying their romp in the snow. We started to get an ice storm so we are staying cozy inside. It is cold out there. Have a great weekend and stay warm.


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