
Happy Little Squirrels(Eventually)


 After a lot of taunting by Rosy, I have resolved to get serious about my squirrel hunting!
I have my ax, and my hunting hat and....
What's that Mrs Squirrel...you have a family at home?? 

Never mind, I'll stick to my original motto

Squirrels are friends....not food!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



  1. WooHoo there you are. Niece Sunny you are a lovely viking princess. Squirrels bring up mixed emotions they are cute and smart but oh such piggies when they get on the feeders. I think I have cured the feeder problems here but it took years and bunch of $$. How smart they were, albeit maddeing, when I caught them hanging upside down from HB feeders with their hands tilting the juice to flow in to their mouths. It was kind of you to consider they had wee ones
    Hugs Your Aunt C

  2. They are friends indeed. You make a cute Viking. Our Angel Little Bit loved squirrels. Made her a crazy pants.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and my best to your peeps. ♥

  3. well Sunny, I don't know for sure if I agree with you, but you sure did put a big smile on my Mom's face. She's saying stuff like, oh my, she's so, so adorable! XOOXXX Chia

  4. That's a good motto, Sunny, but it sure is hard for us to live up to it with those pesky squirrels driving us nuts up in the trees with all their nosisy chattering.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  5. Awww, that's very sweet pretty Sunny!

  6. I like that. You remind me of the Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd opera cartoon.

  7. Hari OM
    ...fair nuff... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. I am laughing hysterically at your ax,. I don't think you could do much damage ha ha but am glad you decided to be friend not foe

  9. Squirrels are to be hunted, just like rabbits. No reprieve for any furry critters that we run into :) You are way too nice.

  10. You're much nicer than Wilson. He is decidedly not a fan of squirrels, family or not! Nice head gear. 😁

  11. You're so sweet, Sunny. That was nice of you to consider the squirrel's family.

  12. Lulu: "Well I mean they can start out as friends and transition to food when you catch them, right ... ?"


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