
Thankful for Lessons Learned

 This week Mama is thankful I have learned my lessons when it comes to trying to eat frogs.

Don't ever try to bitey them or kiss them,
even if they say they are royalty!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



  1. Hari Om
    Good lesson to learn! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. so sorry you had to learn the hard way. we know about dogs and frogs from experiences with our dog Jake who never met a critter he would not bite and try to eat.

  3. Ewww, eating frogs??? Mom teaches us to be scared of frogs because she is scared of them. We would never think to eat one. I think some of them can be dangerous to eat.

  4. Niece Sunny OMDs Aunty is happy you see you have learned your lesson. NO more playing kissy face or leap frog..I love how nicely you dressed for today's post
    Hugs Aunty C

  5. So we are guessing the princess didn't find her prince among the frogs:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. Chaplin: "According to Dennis, eating the frogs used to be Norwood's job! We are not sure whose job it is now ..."

  7. Frogs are friends not food. They are good for the environment and they really don't taste good at all, although I understand they have good taste in wine (your parents might get that joke).

  8. Sweet photo of you princess but ignore those frogs ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Oh no, Sunny! What happened? Did it try to bite you back? Did it poison you? Did it try to turn you into a princess frog? So glad you're ok! *whole body wags* Chia


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