
Thankful Thursday - My Viewing Couch

Oh, hello there! I am in my backyard today to let you know how thankful  I am for my "Viewing Couch".  It is perfect for watching Mama putter around the backyard and for keeping an eye out for any intruders(mostly bunnies!).

I also doubles as my outside "napping couch" for when my eyes need resting!

Who could as for a more comfy place to sit!
What is your favorite place to view the outside world??

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. that is a super place... even with bunny tv... we love our bed... sadly we have to share it with two humans... sigh...

  2. It's so important to have a good viewing couch!

  3. Hari Om
    That's pawfect, Rosy! You might guess that The Grey is like a mobile viewing (and napping) couch for me 🤩 hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Beau and I have one view of the outside world, and we call it our window on the world. in the nice cool house watching the world. for viewing the back yard we have to go out in the heat. we don't have a shady porch or sofa ..you do have the pawfect place for nap/view/or posing

  5. What a nice comfy couch for you, Rosy! My favorite place to view the outside world is from the end of my leash - outside!

  6. We are front window dogs where we take turns sitting on our bench, watching for crime in the neighborhood. Enjoy your view!

  7. Niece Rosy OMDs I love your viewing couch...and for sure keep an eye on the wascallly wabbits don't want them sneaking up on Mama
    We are in our 18th day of 90+ temperatures...I view my world from inside
    Hugs Aunty C

  8. That sure looks like a comfy place to hang out and enjoy your backyard, Rosy. Our favorite place to hang out and watch our yard is in the donut bed that is right at the floor to ceiling windows that look out to our backyard.

  9. We need a Misty and Timber Couch too. Our favorite viewing spot outside is from the top of the stairs on the deck. We can see everything from there.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. That's a fantastic backyard watching couch, Rosy. I want one like that. If I want to watch from the porch, I have to lay on the porch table. That looks much more comfy. Your friend, Xena

  11. A viewing couch is much better than a fainting couch.

  12. That's a wonderful place, especially when you want to inspect the insides of your eyelids for cracks!

  13. OMC dat are the pawfect napping spots. I fink Mama needs to make me a catio so I can has a couch too ;)


  14. Lulu: "That's pretty cushy! I would love a viewing couch for watching bunnies!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, you would jump right off and chase the bunnies around the yard."
    Lulu: "Well yes, but I would come back to the viewing couch for a lie-down after I was finished."


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