
Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for backyard sniffies!

From flowers to bunnies, there is always something good to sniff back here!!

Mmmmmm.....and if I tilt my head just right, 
I can smell the bacon Mama is cooking for breakfast!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Hari Om
    Mmmmmmm, as one who recently lost her sense of smell, I now have even more appreciation for the art of sniffings!!! (Pleased to report that it's returned, but not as sharp as it was...) Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. bacon, bacon, bacon. we all LOVE bacon.. you have one cute sniffer. we love to watch Beau when he suddenly catches a SNIFF of a critter and starts to track. we watch and laugh

  3. I agree that there are always good smells in the backyard, Rosy!

  4. LOL, you are so funny! Happy sniffing!

  5. Niece Rosy I love your brick walkway...NC is known for brick manufacturing. I love that head tilt
    and Bryan says please save him some bacon
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Whoa...bacon?!? Yes, thanks for bacon is every bit as good as backyard sniffies.

  7. We love stepping outside and giving the air a good sniff too, Rosy. It's almost like sniffing pee mail to see who has passed by our house recently.

  8. We bet you are way more likely to get a taste of that bacon than a rabbit - we cannot catch those critters.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. You look like you are having a sniffing good time sweet Rosy! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Oooooh, you said the "b" word! I hope you got to enjoy some, as well as all those good sniffies.

  11. Bacon has to be the very bestest smell ever! And I like to go to the little cactus patch in our back yard and sniff out the critters. Your buddy, Xena


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