
Happy Birthday Rosy


Happy Birthday Rosy!
To commemorate her 7th year on earth, here are the top 7(of the 7 million) things that we love about our Rosy Girl.
7.  Every morning she makes us smile with her snuggly wake up call.
6. Her longer than long tongue. How could you not love long tongue, Rosy kisses
5. Her obsession with  her Daddy every weekend. She keeps her eye on him all day waiting for their special walkie time.

4. Evening snuggle sessions on the couch after Sunny goes to bed.

3. Her impromptu dance/kickie sessions she does when she's feeling playful(often accompanied by emptying her toy box).

2. Her love of the outdoors. Rosy would stay in the backyard all day if we let her (unless it's raining of  course).

and the top thing we think of when we think of Rosy?
1. Her endless patience with her sister. Without this patience, and her ability to give Sunny 2nd (3rd, 4th et al) chances, we wouldn't be the  happy pack we are today.
Happy Seventh Birthday Rosy, thanks so much for being such a special and happy girl!



  1. Happy Birthday Rosy. You are indeed 7 million kinds of special!

  2. Hari Om
    I only wish you could see the happy dancing I am doing for you Rosy! We are seven types of lucky to have gotten to know you!!! Here's to many more. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We love all these things too. #3 is a thing that Beau does, just like you do Rosy. even at almost 11 he still does the prance, kick and bow and empties the toy box. usually about 5 pm. Happy Birthday 7 millions times Rosy.. you are so sweet and good and precious to look at. you wear your hat so well.

  4. Happy Birthday, Rosy! You are the best sister ever!

  5. And one more Number One ... You're beautiful and as sweet as the sweetest rose there ever was.
    Happy Birthday, Rosy!

  6. We love you beautiful Rosy and Happy Birthday from all of us!

  7. Happy Birthday, Rosy! We bet your parents could come up with 700 things they love about you.

  8. Wishing our dear friend many happy returns of the day! Lee and Phod and Lady who can't believe you are 7 already. She feels like you just joined your peeps.

  9. Happy birthday, sweet Rosy!!! You are one very special girl.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Lulu: "Happy belated big oh seven, Rosy!"
    Java Bean: "¡Feliz cumpleaƱos!"
    Charlee: "Many happy returns!"
    Chaplin: "How can it be seven years already?!"

  11. I wish Rosie many happy returns of the day!

  12. Happy Birthday, Rosie! Enjoy your lucky seven year. Hope you had a wonderful day on your vacation to celebrate a day all about you! Your howling hound pals :)

  13. This is a very belated happy 7th birthday Rosy. I remembered, but Mom's been too busy to help me write. You are a very, very special girl, and we all love you! XOX Xena, Chia, Lucy and Mom (Riley does too, he's just not saying it)


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