
Happy to be Home

 We're happy to be home...and may just need a vacation from our vacation! Mama is going through pictures, emptying CeCe and doing Mount Laundry. We'll be back visiting everybuddy tomorrow!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. We're happy to see you home and wish your Mama all the best with Mount Laundry!

  2. a vacatuĂ­on from vacation? that sounds good!!!

  3. We're so happy your back and mom loves both of your beautiful collars!

  4. Travel is great but there is no place like home. Mom has lots of work when we get home too and thankfully she doesn't have to clean a camper too.

  5. Nothing like Home, Sweet Home! you look so relaxed

  6. Sweet dreams, girls. You rest up and then tell us all about your big adventure.

  7. Dearest Nieces welcome home. Very happy to read CeCe took you 4 on a wonderful trek and brought you back safely.
    Hugs Aunty C
    ps Kat and Rocky have a new sister.

  8. Rest up sweeties, you have lots to show us later!

  9. Hari Om
    Whheeeee...and there it was been and gone! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  10. It's great to go, but it's always wonderful to return home. Mom has lots of work to do. I'm well aware. Boating is the same thing.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to you both and my best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  11. We are sure you had a fabulous trip, but there really is no place like home:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Lulu: "Welcome back! Our Dada says he remembers a little thing he read once that went something like, 'Vacation: 2 weeks that are 2 short after which you are 2 tired 2 go home but 2 broke not 2'."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, that sentence is all wrong. When has Dada ever taken a two-week vacation?"


We love to read your peemails!!