
Thankful for Underwater Adventures

 Today we are thankful for all the time Mama and Daddy have spent underwater. It's nice being able to see so much underwater life without putting one paw in the water!

Mama went through some of the movie footage she has taken over the years and put together an underwater movie to help celebrate Shark Week!
(Madison, Bailie, Olivia and Nelson, tell your Mama not to watch it. Eels make a few appearances)

Visit our YouTube Channel HERE 

 This is the only shark the pawrents have seen up close....it is a  Nurse Shark and doesn't have big sharp teeth like other sharks.
Wait a darn minute, Mama and  Daddy have been UNDER THE WATER with SHARKS???! 
Nobody tells me anything!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Hari OM
    OMD that was wonderfurs! Thank your mama for letting us share in that water wonderland. I particularly liked the eels! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (who is a bit ropable with herself because her aquarium posts are coming too late for Shark Week...sigh...)

  2. You are so funny! Our mom did some scuba diving way before any of us were even born. Her first dive in the ocean in Florida, the dive instructor showed her a nurse shark and she even touched it! Yikes! She also saw one of those huge turtles. They had her hold the shell, the instructor tapped on it and the turtle started swimming, towing Mom along. She said diving was fun and she did it for a short time but then gave it up when she moved to Germany. Thankfully, she never was bitten by a naughty shark.

  3. BOL BOL Sunny noBUDDY tells you anything that was funny. I guess that news was old.
    Rosy I like your shark teeth shades
    I really like the trumpet fish...lemon yellow.
    Favorite sis of ANgel Madi works with lots of Marine Science professors. Every year in the summer the take a group of summer interns to Bonaire.
    Hugs Aunty C

  4. We loved the movie! It was wonderful and beautiful!

  5. That's such a wonderful movie. Thanks for the Thursday treat!

  6. What a beautiful video of all those pretty fish under the sea. We're glad there weren't any bad sharks to worry about under there. You are too cute Sunny...and Rosy too.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Whoa...what an impressive underwater experience your parents have had! But that eel...umm, no thank you. Wait, was that Nemo hiding in the seaweed?

  9. Those nurse sharks look innocent enough, but your article (we followed the link) said they are in the top 4 for reported shark bites! Yikes! We think we'll just stay away from ALL sharks. XOX Xena and Chia

  10. Your Mama and Daddy are way braver than our Mom would ever be to go down in the water with sharks and all those other creatures. But all the same, we are glad we were able to see it all through their eyes.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. How totally cool is this! I'm glad you r parents got to see these things and hope they have more adventures planned.

  12. Wow! What an adventure ~ great photos of the water ~ and of coourse sweet doggies ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Me and mine Mommy likes to see the sharks ... but only when they're in the tanks at the aquarium! Up close and purrsonal? Not for us ...


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