
Black and White Princess Selfie Sunday

I am Dory, Ocean Princess, Queen of the Sea!!

We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!

We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday!!


FFHT - Another Photo Session, Mama???

 Once upon a time there was a black and white doggie, we'll just call him Arty,  whose Mama dragged him away from a perfectly good walk for a fancy schmancy "sunset photo shoot."

 "Oh Mama," he implored, "what is so special about sunsets, why can't we just keep walking?"

 "Why Arty, you are such a handsome pup and your furs look so very pretty in the sunset colors!"

"But Mama, I would really like to go play with that doggie over there on the next bench!"

 But Arty's Mama convinced him to sit still and let her pet him while she clicked away with her camera.....

 He noticed all the big pretty rocks coming out of the ocean....

 ....and even saw some beautiful hieroglyphs 
(probably left by some beach space aliens)!

 Then he noticed how beautiful the sun was as it sunk into the water....and thought to himself;

"Watching the sunset It was so much better than I could have ever imagined !"


We are joining Mayorz Murphy and Stanley for
Fractured Fryday Hairy Tales!
 Click HERE for more information about FFHT!!


Art Lessons with Jakey!

Jakey, Director of Blogville's Department of Artistic Services here.
 We are combining February and March's Artistic lessons by doing a 3 week series of tutorials on different aspects of Pizap

What is Pizap, you ask?? Why Pizap is a free photo editing and design program found right here on the interwebs!! You can get to it by clicking HERE, or just go to www.pizap.com! There is no fee to use Pizap, and you do not even have to "sign up" for them. Pizap is easy to use, pretty user friendly and can help you do LOTS of things!!

In today's tutorial, we are going to learn how Bilbo can play in the mud WITHOUT having to actually get dirty!! I know...it might not seem like much fun to you....but Bilbo says he has a "reputation" to uphold...plus, he has this thing about keeping clean all the time since he landed the most beautiful gal in Blogville, Sasha!

OK....so let's get started! Here is what we are going to need.....

a picture of Bilbo to cut out and put in the mud......

...and a picture of a muddy area!

First...head over to Pizap and click that big green START button on the right!
(If you would like to join their community and save files to Pizap, you can sign up for a free account in the upper right hand corner)

This is the screen you should see after clicking the START button. Click design for the picture we are going to make today.

Then it will ask you to choose a canvas shape. We are going to choose landscape because that is the shape of our picture.

Then click "Add Background Image" to add the image you want your subject. In our case it is the muddy picture where we want to Bilbo!

Mama saves our pictures on our computer, so that is what we are choosing.

Choose your picture and click "Open"

Now click on the little symbol that looks like a human with scissors in their head (I know...weird, right??). This is the "cut out tool".

Now it's time to choose the subject you want cut out.

In our case...this is Bilbo. Select the picture and click "Open".

It will cover up your background picture, but don't worry....3
The background picture will come back after you finish your cut out!Make sure the paint dot is clicked and you choose a brush size that works for you. We used the medium brush size because Bilbo is kind of small.
Now you are going to "color in" the part of the picture you want to cut out with your mouse.
(left click and color with MS click and color with MAC)

Don't worry if you make a mistake, you can click on erase and use your mouse to erase the mistake!

Once you have colored in the part you want to cut out, click on finish!

and look...there is Bilbo in the marsh with the duckies, BOL!!
You can move the cut out around with your mouse and make it bigger or smaller by dragging the corners in or out!

We made Bilbo a little smaller and moved him to the side!
We are done editing for this week, so we want to save the picture. To do that click the blue SAVE button in the upper right corner.

You can create a caption...we chose, "Muddy Bilbo."
Then click the blue SAVE button.

Then you can save it to a place on the computer where your staff will remember it....The desktop is always a good place for our Mama.

So now we have Bilbo IN the mud.....next Thursday we will see what we can do to get Bilbo


If you have any questions about Pizap, PicMonkey or even Photoshop, feel free to leave us a comment and we will answer it next week...or email your staff with the answer. We here at the Department of Artistic Services are here to serve YOU!!

A copy of this tutorial can also be found on our Artistics Tutorials page HERE.

We will be saving all our photo classes to our "Artistic Tutorials" page for easy reference

Please note that we are not advertising, and are in no way affiliated with PiZap. It is a photo editing site that we enjoy using only. All our opinions and directions are our own.


Wordless Wednesday - Smiley Boy

 It will make them wonder what you are up to....

We are taking place in the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop this week!


Brush Our Toofies Tuesday!!

Today we are sharing what we do to keep our toofies clean!
Mama...how are you going to hold the toothbrush...the camera/iphone thingy and us all 
I have a better idea.....Why don't you show effuryone how much we love to keep our toofies clean 
"in between brushings"

You could video Daddy giving us our.....

Here is our video of how much we LOVE to keep our toofies clean!!!

You can watch it over at our YouTube channel by clicking  HERE too!

Now...make sure you have your dogtur look at your toofies and follow his/her directions on the best way to keep them clean. We get our toofies cleaned every other year, unless the dogtur sees lots of that tarter sauce stuff on on them, and then we get them cleaned once a year!

Now...what's this about my bloggie being hijacked by the BOYS yesterday Mama???


Wanted Muddy Paws - NO GIRLS ALLOWED

While Dory is at the Spa today we boys have hijacked borrowed
the blog so we could make a special 

You know about the Boys Night Out right???
Frankie and Ernie are hosting a special BOYS ONLY, night out on
March 23rd!! 
Click HERE to find out more over at Frankie's (and Ernie's) place!

We are hosting a MUD PIT for the Boys Night Out!!!
That's right, while girls may like to stay clean, us boys like to get out and stomp
in mud puddles!!! 

Do you love to get muddy???

Maybe go swimming in mud holes???


 Send us a picture of you
and the way YOU like to get muddy...
muddy paws, muddy faces, muddy tummies...  
send those dirty pictures to
bethblog (at) bchristians (dot) com by  March 15th

 Ummmmm....guys, remember what happened the last time we got muddy??

BILBO....ok, maybe we can "dress up" a muddy picture so we don't have to get a bath....

Don't forget to send us your muddy pictures...or
maybe your "pretend" muddy pictures by March 15th
to bethblog (at) ebchristians (dot) com