
Edible Flower Friday and September Birthdays!

Happy September Effuryone!! 

Before we start Flower Friday, we want to wish all our Blogville September babies a very
September 6th - Oz
September 9th - Maddie the Pug
September 11th - Emma the GBGV
September 24th - Micah
September 29th - Ruby (I hope she has a margarita pawty!)
(want your birthday added to the Blogville Birthdays? Email the date to us a bethblog(at)ebchristians(dot)com and we'll make sure you are added to the calendar!)
Today, on Flower Friday, we are going to show you the Nastur-eaty-flowers that are in our...what's that Mama?? OH, sorry...they are Nasturtium Flowers!
Look behind me...they are growing all over the neighbor's fence!!

Mama says that in some restaurants around town you can find these flowers in salads, or used to help make the plates look pretty! That's why I call them Eaty-Flowers...because Mama eaties them!

They are also very pretty!!

Mama said it is safe for us to eaty them too, but they are veggie-tables, and that means they are good for me. Dory taught me to always hold out for things that aren't good for me, so I told Mama I'd pass!

Jakey is a different story though...BOL!!

Mama said she would see if she could find some at the Farmer's Market for Jakey to try. We find lots of peemail in these flowers, and for some reason, Mama doesn't think Jakey should eat them....

Mama loves the pretty red veins that run along the top petals...and how the vines grow through cracks in the fence!

They also grow all along the top of the fence!

Thanks so much for joining us for Flower Friday this week!
We hope everyone has a pawsome Labor Day Weekend!!!

Hop aboard and show us the flowers blooming in your corner of the world (If you don't see the link here, please click HERE to go to our Hoppity page)!!


Crumblies and Cake #ChewyInfluencer

 Welcome to the second part of our August #ChewyInfluencer Reviews!!

 Today I, Arty, am going to tell you a bit about Earth's Essentials Apple Orchard Clusters.
We are trying out the Pomegranate Crunch today, but they come in a variety of flavors.
Stop by Chewy.com to see what other nommy flavors they come in!

 I was looking for a nice healthy snack to have when watching football this season.  Well
let me tell you, with only five ingredients...starting with apples and including nommy yogurt, I thought these might be just the right fit!

 The little clusters reminded Mama of the granola cluster in the cereal she eats! In fact, we were afraid she might steal these for herself...that woman loves her pomegranate!

 Now on to the tasting!
 On the plus side, Jakey LOVES these little nuggets. Mama can give them to him right out of the bag! Me....well, as you might be able to tell, I don't like them straight out of the bag...

 Wyatt's Mama made a delectable Birthday Cake, topped with Earth's Essential Apple Orchard Clusters in the Blueberry flavor, to share at the Mini BAR...and I scarfed up my piece AND Jakey's piece!!! Mama promised she would ask Wyatt's Mama for the recipe,  so she could sprinkle my share of our Pomegranate flavored clusters on Top!!

We are giving the Pomegranate Crunch 6 out of 8 paws up. A good meal topper, and nommy treat to bake with...but not the best treat to eat right out of the bag for me!!

Now, whose ready for some FOOTBALL!!??


Stellar Smiles and Fresh Breath #ChewyInfluencer

This month Arty and I are very happy to be 
 reviewing two different products as #ChewyInfluencers! 
We love seeing these blue boxes land on our door step because we know whatever is inside is for US! Mama loves how easy it is for her to get all of our favorite treats and foodables from Chewy.com with just a click or two on her computer!

 Today,  we are going to look at a new product from a treat company near and dear to my heart and I bet it may be close to yours too, GREENIES!!

 That's right, Greenies has come out with Breath Buster Bites! They come in a few different flavors, including the Crisp Apple Flavor we tried! Click HERE to see the different sizes and flavors you can get!

 I have to tell you, I couldn't wait to give these a try and almost opened the bag before the review! Greenie nights in our house are my most favorite, Daddy says my friends can probably hear me AROO-ing all the way to the Mississippi, that's how loud I sing for a Greenie!

 I do take my job as a #chewyinfluencer seriously though, and made sure to read through some of the key benefits of these delicious smelling treats.
Hmmmm...let's see
  • They freshen breath with a patented breath-freshening ingredient system
  • They are low in calories, so you can have MORE THAN ONE! Did you hear that Mama???
  • They are grain free and made from natural ingredients (I guess I'll have to share them with Arty..bummer!)
There is one important thing,  they have a warning Mama wants to make sure you know about:
"Caution: These treats aren't suitable for dogs under 5lbs or for dogs under 6 months old"

 Arty is using his paw for a size comparison...as you can see they are pretty small in size, so we can understand why puppies and really small doggies might have a problem.

 Now let's get to the taste test!
To be totally honest, Mama was a bit hesitant to let us try them because of their size. We showed her though, even though they were small we chewed them like we would a regular size Greenie. We REALLY loved these and give them 8 paws up...I mean come on, they are GREENIES, how could they be bad?? Mama gives them 2 out of 4 paws because they are a "watch us to make sure we chew them" treat.

Mama does love the way my smiley shines and breath smells after eating them though!!

As #chewyinfluencers, we were given a bag of Greenies Breath Busters in exchange for ours(and Mama's) true blue opinion!

We are joining the Chewy.com Blogger Network Blog Hop!! 
Thanks to Sugar and Oz for hosting!


TT-San Francisco Wrap Up

Howdy All, Mini Dory here today to wrap up the BFF tour and tell you about our last day in San Francisco! 

We spent most of the day on the San Francisco Bay on this very cool boat!!

 San Francisco looks really pretty from the bay! 

We saw the Golden Gate Bridge from underneath which was VERY cool!

It looks even more majestic when you can see the whole thing from the water!!

Guess what else we saw???
Noooo, not another boat...well ok, we saw another boat...but we also saw the Alcatraz Prison!! Unfortunately we didn't get to take a tour of the island because SOME MAMA didn't know that you had to purchase tickets three months in advance!!! But we did get to see it from the water!

Through the magic of Photoshop, I did get to visit the island!
Did you know before Alcatraz was a prison, it was a Fort?? 

Alcatraz is also known as the Rock! Mama said some famous gangster called Al Cappone stayed there for awhile!

But I think what she liked most of all was the lighthouse on the island...cause you know, she is Mama! She did say Alcatraz Lighthouse was the very first lighthouse that was built on the the west coast, it was completed in 1854! I guess that is pretty cool.

Mama even likes itty bitty fake lighthouses!!

After we were done with the boat tour, we walked around Fisherman's Wharf for awhile!

We played around and took silly pictures...it was pretty fun!!

After our day in San Francisco, we headed over to the Ballpark to watch the San Francisco Giants play the Pittsburgh Pirates!!

BFF's hubby got us the bestest seats in the house, on the third base line!!
The Giants may not have played well....

...but we had a blast!!!

We made so many great memories over this fun trip, thanks so much for sharing it with us!!

Join us on Tuesday, September 12th when Arty and Jakey
tell you all about the fun time they had on their Summer Vacation to the Mini B.A.R.!!


Flower Friday

 Mini Dory here, Since the Boyz are gone, I just wanted to stop by quick and say hi and show you these few flowers from Carmel!

Happy Flower Friday Everybuddy!!
Hop aboard and show us the flowers blooming in your corner of the world (If you don't see the link here, please click HERE to go to our Hoppity page)!!


Gone Campin' at the Mini BAR

We are off to Oregon, Mini Dory will be stopping by for Flower Friday...We'll catch up with everybody next week!!

Visit us on Facebook HERE
or on Instagram HERE
to see what we're up to!


TT - BFF Reunion Part Deux!

Mini Dory here again this week with Mama and her BFF to show you some more of the fun things we did!!

One afternoon we went to Napa Valley and the peeps did some wine tasting!

We walked around Mama's favorite winery, St. Supery....

...and all the peeps tasted some wine while we enjoyed some relaxation and catching up on the pretty terrace!

We capped the evening off with a very nice dinner! All the peeps had MORE wine, while my new friend Ninertroll and I played on a nice mini jungle gym they had at the table!

One morning we got up early and made a drive down to the Carmel/Monterey, CA area! BFF wanted to see the 17 Mile Drive...well let me tell you, that is one LONG drive when you have to stop 87 million times for Mama to take pictures!!

Some famous golf course called Pebble Beach runs all along the 
87 mile drive.

Mama had to stop and take pictures of all the wildlife! Here I am with some Cormorants and their little ones!

There were sea doggies everywhere...

...Mama even saw some horsies riding along the rocky shore!! 
Here I am catching a ride with them!

This gull thought I might have brought him some of my bready turtle, but I told him the sign said I wasn't allowed to feed him or any other animal in the park. In fact, Mama had smoke coming out of her ears 'cause people were feeding the birds and squirrels all kinds of things...

OMD...MAMA!! You were NOT suppose to show people this picture!!! Mama MADE me stand next to this rock rat!

Moving right along...after the 87 mile drive, we spent some time walking around the quaint small town of Carmel!
As you can see, it is right next to the water!

We had a nice Italian supper while we were visiting...

...and I spent some quality time with my friend K!

It was starting to get late, so we made a brief stop in Monterrey...

...to watch the sun go down on another fun day!

Make sure to join me next week on Travel Tuesday when we head out on a fun boat ride back in San Francisco!!