Spring is definitely in the air here in New Mexico!
Whether it is Spring or Autumn(Down Under) we hope there are lots of pretty colors in your corner of Blogville!
Today we are going to take a look at some of the ducks(and a couple of turtles) Mama saw on her last visit to the ABQ Botanical Gardens.
This silly American Coot tried to hide from the Mamaparrazzi.
Good try Mr. Coot...good try!
These are a pair of American Widgeons. The female in front made sure to give Mama a little head tilt to show off her cuteness.
Of course the male had to make sure Mama got his good side. Isn't that a beautiful green "mask" he has?!
Mama couldn't resist taking a picture of these cute little turtles or maybe she was taking a picture of the tree reflection and the turtles were in the way BOL!
Mama also saw more than a few Wood Ducks!
She saw what she thinks is a mating pair of Wood Ducks along the walking trail...
Then there was this pretty boy in the water. Look at how red his eye is!
Look at this!!
It's a Wood Duck surrounded by wood! That's right, this guy was napping in a tree, how cool is that!!
The ABQ Botanical Garden has quite the railroad set up. Can you see what Mama found by the railroad bridge?? That Mama can spot a lighthouse anywhere, no matter what size it is!!
We're off to find some nature and fun in Ruidoso, New Mexico!
(We will be unplugging while we are away in
CeCe and will be back Tuesday)
We hope all our friends get outside to find some nature in their corner of Blogville this weekend!
us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of
your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey!
Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below,
click HERE to go to our Hoppity Page.