
Aaaww Monday

Peace, Love and Tie Dye!
(Happy belated Tie Dye Day!)
We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Nature FFF - Thoughts on Three

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

This is Three
by Sunny

 Proud and strong, or stubborn? Could be.
But this is me, and now I'm three!
The last year has been one without much glee,
as I spent half of it healing from my icky knees.

But now that I'm healed, life is so good
adventures being planned, the way that they should.
The future before me as far as I see,
I know I'll enjoy my time being three!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful Thursday

We had a little birthday pawty for me in CeCe while we were glamping! I wore my "official" birthday hat and bandana and Rosy even wore her Happy Birthday glasses to make things more festive!!

But best of all, there were birthday treats!! Since we were celebrating in CeCe, Mama opted for birthday cookies instead of cake this year. For some reason she thought cake would be messier. 

Mama put together a video of us enjoying our cupcake cookies. I am saving my "Happy Birthday" cookie for weekend snack time. I hope I can wait, it smells so yummy!
You can also watch it HERE on YouTube

This week, not only am I thankful for birthday treats, I am so very thankful for all the birthday wishes!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Puppy Memories

Funny how when a birthday rolls around, Mama always thinks back to when we were younger. Well, she started going through the 87 million pictures she's taken of me through the past three years.
The one above was taken in Washington state as I started my way to my new home. Wow, my leggies were long even at 8 weeks old!

Here is a short video Mama put together of some more of my puppy antics!

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube.

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Happy Birthday to Me, Now I'm Three!!

 This is Three!
 I had a fun, relaxing birthday weekend in CeCe.
Mama is going through the 87 million pictures
she took....
 Stay tuned later this week for more birthday fun!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



Pawtying All Week!

Mama asked me if there was anything special I wanted to do this week for my birthday.  I asked her if I could drive Cece around the block. She said sure,  if I could see over the dashboard and reach the pedal.

Ummmmm.......Looks like the steering wheel might even be a problem to reach.


Oh well, maybe next year I'll be big enough!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


The Wildlife at the Botanical Gardens

Spring is definitely in the air here in New Mexico! 
Whether it is Spring or Autumn(Down Under) we hope there are lots of pretty colors in your corner of Blogville!
 Today we are going to take a look at some of the ducks(and a couple of turtles) Mama saw on her last visit to the ABQ Botanical Gardens.
 This silly American Coot tried to hide from the Mamaparrazzi. 
Good try Mr. Coot...good try!
These are a pair of American Widgeons. The female in front made sure to give Mama a little head tilt to show off her cuteness.
 Of course the male had to make sure Mama got his good side. Isn't that a beautiful green "mask" he has?!
 Mama couldn't resist taking a picture of these cute little turtles or maybe she was taking a picture of the tree reflection and the turtles were in the way BOL!
Mama also saw more than a few Wood Ducks!
 She saw what she thinks is a mating pair of Wood Ducks along the walking trail...
Then there was this pretty boy in the water. Look at how red his eye is! 
 Look at this!! 
It's a Wood Duck surrounded by wood! That's right, this guy was napping in a tree, how cool is that!!
The ABQ Botanical Garden has quite the railroad set up. Can you see what Mama found by the railroad bridge?? That Mama can spot a lighthouse anywhere, no matter what size it is!!
We're off to find some nature and fun in Ruidoso, New Mexico! 
(We will be unplugging while we are away in CeCe and will be back Tuesday)

We hope all our friends get outside to find some nature in their corner of Blogville this weekend!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for my new Party Hat

 Ever since last year I, Sunny, have admired Rosy's little party hat. Not only does it fit better than our official "birthday" hats, but it is also fashionable at any buddies birthday pawty!
 So you can imagine how happy I was when, inside my Birthday box from last week, there was a rainbow pawty hat just for ME! I am so very thankful to Rosy AND Aunt Laurie from The Sand Dollar Dog Company for my new rainbow pawty hat! 

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Under the Apple Tree

Don't sit under the apple tree....
With anyone else but me!

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Sunrise Tongue Out Tuesday

Mama took me out for a sunrise photo shoot the other day....
 The sunrise colors have been so pretty lately.

 The colors match well with my unicorn hat and rainbow, 
don't you think?
OK Mama, the sun is up, the photos are taken...
Let's eat breakfast!!

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Aaaaaawwwww Memories Monday




Remembering Sunny's first CeCe trip for her 1st Birthday... 
 Only 4 more sleeps until we leave on Sunny's next (early)birthday adventure!
We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Flamigo Nature Friday

 Happy Friday!! Remember when Mama went to the ABQ Zoo in March?  Well, she forgot to show you her favorite exhibit....
the Flamingos!
As we look her pictures, I am going to include some
Flamingo Fun Facts!
"Flamingo" comes from the Latin and Spanish word "Flamenco," which means flaming or fire, referring to the Flamingo's reddish, pinkish feathers. But don't be fooled, not all flamingos have such dark feathers. Their feathers can range from very light pink to dark orange-y red!
The flamingo's pink, orange or red feathers are a result of their diet, and how much Carotene they eat. Carotene can be found in the shrimp, plankton and other crustaceans they eat. Carotene is also the same substance that makes tomatoes red and carrots orange!!
I wonder.... 
If I ate enough carrots, would I turn pink???
 Flamingos range from between three feet and five feet tall...but they only weigh three to six pounds!

A group of Flamingos is called a flamboyance
(they may also be called a stand, colony or regiment).
Lastly, but very coo,l is the fact that Flamingos are monogamous!  They have one mate and only lay one egg a year.

 We hope you enjoyed today's look at flamingos! As you might have guessed, they are one of Mama's favorite birds.

Thanks for joining us and we hope all our friends get out to see some nature this weekend!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.