
Happy Dogs on Travel Tuesday

Before we start this week's Travel Tuesday, I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful Birthday wishes yesterday. I had a great day, there were walkies and treats...and I even spent some time in CeCe(the wheelie house) with my sister, Sunny!
For some reason, Mama and Daddy were VERY happy about this(more about this another day).

 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 
Come on, Arty, let's tell everyone about Day One of what Daddy calls, Our Search for Warm Weather, trip!

 First of all, it was a little weird. We didn't ride in CeCe(Mama drove us in the Rogue so we could make a few fun side trips), but we did stop and take a little break in CeCe on the way to our first camp ground. While Mama and Daddy ate lunch, I stood guard to make sure no squirrels or birdies came near CeCe!! After our little stop, it was only a little over an hour before we arrived at our first spot!
Our first afternoon and evening were spent at the Cloverdale/Healdsburg KOA.
This park exceeded our expectations in every way! We expected a little park with tight spaces and not much for us pups to do. Boy, were we wrong!!! 

This park had beautiful trails to hike, with dazzling views of the surrounding hills and vineyards!!

 It was so beautiful that Mama kept stopping and having us pose for pictures. Eventually I let her know enough was enough and gave her a big ole raspberry!!
 After a while I got a little tired and Daddy carried me for awhile, isn't he pawsome?!!

 Here is a pretty picture of one of the vineyards. See it way up on the hill???
After our nice hike, we stopped by this pond. It's the same one from our FFF post last Friday.

 You see, Rosy read this sign.....
 ....and thought it would be a great place to "unwind" after our long day! Teeheehee, more like "wind up". Let's just say there was a little bit of barking going on after we saw the ducks!
After a nice dinner, we went out for our last walk before bedtime and just look at the beautiful sunset we saw!! 
In case you were wondering, we didn't find any warm weather here. The highs were in the low 50s(F) and it got down into the 40s(F) at night. But the sun was out, making it seem a little warmer. That's a start, right?
After all the traveling and hiking, we were exhausted!

 Rosy fell asleep watching TV with Mama and Daddy

...and I fell asleep in my fuzzy bed!
Rosy did enjoy her bedroom view the next morning!
Stay tuned next week to see where our adventure led us  and whether or not we found warmer weather!
Stay tuned Friday when Rosy will show you more of the nature we glimpsed here at the Cloverdale/Healdsburg KOA!
We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


A Memorial Day Birthday!!


 Today we remember those who fought for our country, but didn't make it home.

Always remember
 This is the land of the free

 Because of the Brave!

On the brighter side....
Today is my(9th, 10th or 11th) Birthday!!
This year Mama and Daddy found out I am a bit older than they originally thought, so from now on we decided not to put a number on my age. Instead, we are just going to celebrate ME all day!!
 My Birthday Squad got me the BEST pressie.....

 An assortment of cookies from Brad's Barkery in Carmel-by-the-Sea!
Rosy and Mama were sneaky and went to their shop while Daddy and I were taking a walk around town last weekend! They also sell their cookies online, you can check them out HERE(or by clicking on their name).
After a nice round of Happy Birthday, I was ready to dig in to these cookies!!

Mama made a little movie of my birthday cookie eating experience!!

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube!


Thanks, Birthday Squad, for the pawsome cookies!!


...and thank you for joining me for my Birthday today. Stay tuned this week to follow more of my birthday adventures. PLUS, there is scuttlebutt around the house that Mama,Daddy and Rosy are going to take me to my favorite winery later in the month for our June CeCe road trip!


Birdy Watchin' on FFF

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with  YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the New Rulez and join the FFF fun!!
Sitting, relaxing and watching a pond, so purdy
What should we see on the water but a couple of big white birdies!
Back and forth through the water their feathers did glide.
We sure hope they swim over close to our side!
To the edge of the shore we'll run with great haste
If only we could have just one itty, bitty taste!!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for My Nosy Rosy Bed!



Today, I made a Thankful Thursday Movie
to show you how thankful I am for my 
Nosy Rosy Bed!
You can also watch it HERE on YouTube

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Peace, Love and Chewy Boxes

Peace, Love, Smileys and Chewy Boxes!


 Ummmm, Rosy, why do we get boxes from Chewy?

 OMD Sunny, I forget you are still a young pup...Chewy boxes come from a special land far, far away that makes candy for dogs, but only GOOD little girls get the ca....

ROSY! Don't listen to her Sunny, Mama and Daddy order all our treats and foodies from Chewy and sometimes, for some silly reason, Mama wants us to sit in the boxes while she takes pictures.

Thanks Jakey! 
 In that case, Peace, Love, Smileys and Chewy Boxes...
what else could a girl ask for!
(except to make Rosy quit being so silly!)
We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Lady Bug Cute!

When Mama says you are cuter than any Lady Bug, you can't help but smile!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Aloha Friday From Sequoia Gardens

 Happy Aloha Friday!!! Today, on [a prerecorded earlier this week] Nature Friday, let's take a look at the blooms Mama saw at Sequoia Gardens last week!!

 The Dahlias still have a ways to go before they are ready to bloom later this Summer, but she found plenty of other flowers!!

Some pink fluffy Japanese Cherry blooms were out in full force.

The Columbines are almost done blooming, Mama got there just in time to see this purple variation still holding its head up....

....and this pink one sure is pretty....

 ...unfortunately, this group of Columbines seem to be a bit past their peek.

If we look over here....
We have what looks to be a floofy Columbine!

 Here are some California Poppies.  
Isn't all that orange just delightful??!!
 ...and let's wrap this week up with some lovely purple Irises!!

 Thanks for joining me today. You can be sure Arty and I are out and about while camping, finding nature to share with you when we get back next week! 

We hope everyone get out to see some nature this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.