
Sunny's Winter Woes - A FFF Poem

Welcome to the wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!! 
This week I(Rosy) am letting Sunny voice her opinion about Winter this year.

A Winter Woe
a short poem by Sunny

Many of my friends would like Winter to stay
But I myself think it needs to go away.
When it first arrived I enjoyed the snow,
But now it's time for the snow to go.
You see, with all the snow I cannot scoop
The frozen, delicious bunny poop.
 Instead when hunt after my morning snoozle
I  proceed to get a snowy moozle!
So, to those who want their Winter to stay,
I am going to send our snow your way!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page. 


Frosty Birds

 Howdy effuryone! Welcome to Nature Friday, where we can meet some new friends and share a picture or two of what nature looks like in your corner of Blogville.  This week was another chilly one around  the US and Canada. It  looks like those across the pond are also getting some chilly temperatures and in some cases, even some snow!  
This week we are going to show you some of  the feathered friends  that have been stopping by during this frosty Winter,
 With the temps getting colder than cold, Mama is making sure there is always  food for the birds and the fountain is flowing and free of ice so the birds have some place to get a drink of water!

 This Northern Flicker loves to sit on the fountain and enjoy the crisp cool water!

 Mama loves his red cheeks and we really like his speckled body!

 This Scrub Jay likes to sit on the tippy top of the tree and sing at the top of his lungs all morning long.
We think he can get a little annoying, but Mama enjoys his chirps and squeaks.
These House Finches enjoy the food we leave him and visits us all year long both at the feeders and the water fountain.
 We understand why the birdies like the backyard but we've tasted their bird seed and aren't sure why they like to eat so much of it!  
Anyway, we digress, back to the birdies.
 Mama says she still isn't sure what kind of bird this is.

She is leaning toward a female or juvenile Red Wing Blackbird...can you see the little bit of red on her(or his) wing?
 At our house, a visit from the US Red Breasted Robin doesn't really mean Spring is near, it means Winter has arrived. We don't see these guys in the heat of the Summer, they usually show up in the late Fall and  stay until early Spring.

 We'll wrapped things up with this cute little Goldfinch on the fountain. Mama gives them a bunch of thistle seed and a few suet blocks. Believe it or not, they all take daily baths, even when the temps fall below freezing!
 We hoped you enjoyed a look at some of our Winter birdies. 
Thanks for stopping by, and make sure to visit next Friday for 
YAM Aunty's Final Friday (Nature) Feature!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page. 



New Dos on Aaaaw Monday and Breaktime!

From long hair freaky puppies.....

To a couple of Glamour Girls! 

We are going to cut back to just posting for Nature Fridays for the next few weeks so Mama can catch up on her "to do" list. We'll be back to regular posting Monday February 5th.
 See you Friday!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Let it Snow!

Howdy,  and thanks for stopping by Nature Friday, where we can meet some new friends and share a picture or two of what our nature looks like! 

This week, here in the High Desert of New Mexico, we got some SNOW!!

Of course I went out and played in it right away. Just look at all the little snow flakes on my moozle!

Here is me tasting some snowflakes...I told my friend Xena I would tell her how they tasted.
Hey Xena, they taste like icy cubes, but smaller!

It was pretty wet snow, so it stuck to everything!

It was cool to see all the snow flakes piled on top of each other.

Here is another example of snowflakes hanging out together.

The snow looked cool on the Yucca too!

Here is some snow one of the leftover roses in the front yard....

...and on its leaves!!!

Although we only had a dusting, I still loved playing in the snow!
Those weather people said we are in for a cold and wet couple of months. I don't mind the cold, but I sure hope the wet is in the form of snow!!

What about you, are you getting a lot of snow so far this Winter?

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page. 


Thankful for Planning

This week we are so thankful for road trip planning! Tomorrow we go pick up CeCe from the RV Spa. While she was getting all gussied up we are thankful to report that, with our help, the pawrents have the 2024 Adventure Season all planned out!

We won't be doing quite as much traveling as last year, but we will be going on some fun weekend trips. We start with White Sands National Park in March and then a couple of other weekend trips through the Summer. But best of all, we planned another 9 day Epic Road Trip in September 2024.  The picture above that Mama zapped us into is a little hint of one of thetwo  places we'll be visiting!

We sure are thankful for planning season!!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop! 


Aztec Ruins National Park - Travel Tuesday

Whoah...this is weird Rosy, where are we and how did we get here??Last thing I remember I was napping on the couch. 

Well Sunny, I saw Mama playing on her phone and zippity zap, here we are back in the olden days when the Pueblo natives lived here in New Mexico....

Luckily, Mama was just telling me all about the Ruins she and Daddy visited back in October so I should be able to fill you in on the deets of what's what! 

First of all, these ruins were not built by the Aztecs as the people who originally discovered them way back in in the 1800's originally thought. They were built by the New Mexico Pueblo peoples.

I also know most of these ruins were built between 1100AD and 1150AD. Mama said this was pretty fast construction considering similar structures in nearby Chama, NM had taken over 300 years to build!

We also know this is a Great Kiva, where large community activities and ceremonies were held. 
(Mama mentioned this Great Kiva has had some renovation work done) 
Whoah...that's really cool Rosy! What else did Mama tell you?

 She mentioned that she and Daddy toured this Great House ruin and that it had about 400 rooms and 30 kivas.
Archeologists think that this Great House wasn't originally built for people to live, as most lived in small structures outside the 
building. However, the Pueblo natives did a major renovation of the Great House in 1200 AD. The archeologists think that's when people moved into the structure as they found evidence(storage area, latrines and tombs) proving at some point people did call the Great House home.
The pawrents also learned the long back wall of the Great House mark the Summer and Winter solstices! From the west corner of the wall, you can watch the Summer solstice sun rise up the east corner and visa versa, from the east side of the wall the Winter solstice sun rises up the west corner! 

 That's about all I learned Sunny. I hope you enjoyed learning about the Pueblo ruins at the Aztec National Ruins National Park! 

I sure did Rosy...but really, how did we get in this teepee??

Well Sunny, I think Mama found out how to zap us into 
cool new places with this new fangled AI technology.

Sheesh Rosy, who knows where we'll end up next!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Bath Time on Aaaw Monday

Flamingo Shower Caps....
When you gotta keep your ears dry!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


River of Lights on Nature Friday

As we mentioned right before Christmas, the pawrents visited the ABQ Botanical Garden at NIGHT! Seems they put on a pretty good light display!

There were fishies

....and sunflowers!

There were more detailed designs too...

Here is a beautiful Southwestern scene

Daddy and Mama really enjoyed the Jurassic view, with the bonus Mermaid!

Mama had visited the Gardens the week before and put together this video showing some before and after clips, along with some of her favorite light displays.
The video is almost 4 minutes long, feel free to watch it later HERE on our YouTube Channel
Mama and Daddy also had a chance to see Santa!!
How cool is that!!

I hope you enjoyed the River of Lights, did you and/or your pawrents 
see any fun light displays this year??

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.