
May Flowers(without the Pilgrims)

Happy Flower May Day!! 

During May our Nature Fridays will be turning into Flower Fridays. All our April showers sure did help the May flowers(and many April flowers) bloom and Mama has been out of control and clicking away along our walks giving us bunches of flower pictures to share! So every Friday in May we'll be sharing our latest flower sightings! 

Why don't we get started!
Our neighbors have a pretty white Camellia tree/bush we pass every day
This bloom was especially pretty after the fog left lots of dew drops on it!

These pretty snowdrops seem to be everywhere!

...and just look at the pink rhodies!

Mama and I think this is probably our favorite rhodie color combo

Mama likes the contrast of the red/orange dots against the pink flower, but I like them 'cause they are the same color as my flamingo!

See??  Aren't they both the prettiest pink ever?!

We'll leave you today with my namesake flower...
A pretty little Rosy!!

What kind of flowers are blooming in your corner of Blogville?

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for After Doctor Snax!

But Mama...I NEED a Puppachino!
 I have to say one of the perks of being a bit under the weather is being able to talk Mama into stopping for a Puppachino on the way home from my Eye Doctor's appointment! Mama usually reserves Puppachino stops for road trips and special occasion. But I learned quickly that, by giving her my "poor Arty puppy dog eyes",  I have no problem getting a little puppachino love!  Thanks Mama!



Best thing EVER!!!

Of course, I had to give Mama permission to film the puppachino madness in this short video

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube

Thanks Mama for always making sure I get a nice Puppachino snack after my eye doctor appointment!

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Happy Unicorns

Another Tuesday, another punny photo shoot....

Hey Rosy...
Do you know what a unicorn's favorite triangle is??

I'm afraid to ask but, I'll bite Jakey...
 What is a unicorn's favorite triangle?

A"cute" triangle, get it?? BOLBOL!

Oh Jakey....that' s a real 'uni' corny one!!

We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Aaawwwwrty Monday

Do you think this cone makes my head look big??
My eyes look better don't you think??

Thanks for all the well wishes last week, I wanted to let everybody know
the eye dogtur said she was AMAZED on how well they are healing!

I go back to the dogtur a week from tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to take this silly cone off!


We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


FFF on Nature Friday

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with  YAM Aunty's FFF!! 

Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the New Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

Birdy on the Fence
by the LLB Gang

Little birdy that we see,
Out the Window on Bird TV
You sit so comfy on your perch
While at the window, we do lurch

You sing your pretty song, tweet tweet
While at the window we three leap.
Mama wishes you would fly away
So she can let us out and you could live another day!


 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Heroes!

Arty here today to give a big thank you to the hero dogturs who have been taking care of me! As most of you know, I have had eye issues for awhile now. After my trip to the eye dogtur in February, Mama thought we had everything under control. Then, 2 weeks ago, my eyes started getting watery, and I started squinting more than usual. My allergies have been pretty bad this season, so Mama kept an "eye on my eyes" so to speak, to make sure they didn't get any worse. Then, last week, when Mama was giving me a bath, she noticed a discoloration and a small, inflamed red spot on my eye.

Mama called my regular dogtur immediately and told her about my eye. They scheduled an appointment for me the next day***. When we got to the Dogtur's Office, Mama checked in by calling the office. A few minutes later, the Vet Tech came out to take me to see the dogtur while Mama waited in the car. Mama didn't like waiting in the car, but understood she had to do her part to make sure all humans stay healthy. After taking a look at my eyes, my dogtur took lots of pictures and texted them to my eye dogtur. Then she called Mama, and told her I had ulcers in my eyes.  We went home with some eye drops and directions for Mama to call and make and appointment fr me to see my eye dogtur. 

The next morning, before Mama had even finished her morning coffee, the eye dogtor called to schedule an appointment for the very next day! It seems, the previous evening, my eye dogtur and local dogtur had been talking about how bad my eyes were . They decided the sooner I got to the eye dogtur's office the better!

Very early the next morning,  Mama and I went to Medford to see my eye dogtur. It was a beautimous day, so we enjoyed the relaxing three and a half hour drive through the mountains. When we got to the eye dogtur's office, we repeated the same process as we did at my local dogturs office.  

The eye dogtur determined I had multiple Stromal Corneal Ulcers.  I had two choices, eye surgery where I would have to be sleeping while they fixed my ulcer, or a more non-evasive procedure where the dogtur used tissue glue and contact lenses to fix my ulcers. Mama and I decided to go with the non-evasive procedure. It was quick, and pretty painless and we were on our way back home in an hour or so. She scheduled another appointment in a week.

That was last Thursday. So today, Mama and I are on our way back to Oregon. When we get there, the eye dogtur will look and make sure my eyes are healing up.  If they aren't healing as well as she likes, I may need to have the big surgery. We think I am doing much better, but I'll make sure to keep you updated!

Mama and I want to thank my local dogtur(and their office) and my eye dogtur(and her office) for going above and beyond duty and helping to get my eyes fixed so quickly amid all the CDC/COVID-19 restrictions! 

Vets and their staff are heroes too!!

From Mama:
***During this time of COVID-19, our Vets are only seeing urgent care and emergency patients along with giving rabies shots. Every Vet's office is different. It's always a good idea to check with your Vet's office to see what their policy is during the crisis to be prepared, in case you have an emergency.

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Fashion Funny on Happy Tuesday

 What do you call an alligator in a vest??

An Investigator!!!


We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


April Showers

Rainy Days are always better with a friend!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Nature Walk Friday!

Happy Nature Friday!
Arty here to tell you about a walk Mama and I took through the wilderness right before the "Shelter in Place" happened!

 It was a beautiful day, perfect for a Nature walk! We found a nice trail, and headed out!

Pictures didn't do it justice, so Mama put together a movie. 
Make sure to turn the sound up to get the full nature effect!

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube!

Thanks for tagging along on my Nature Walk today!

We hope you find some sunshine and fresh air today!

I want to thank everybody for all the POTP, we'll fill you in on everything next week...but the eye doctor took good care of me yesterday and I should be feeling better in the next week or so!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page.


ISO-Lympic Snoring

Hello, and welcome to our section of the ISO-Lympics!!!
We have been hard at work training for our events almost nonstop so lets get to them!!

First up, we have Rosy showing off her difficult 
"Lay on my back in the bed"
ISO-lympic Unique Sleeping Positions event.
Let me tell you, it took her weeks to get this position just right!

Jakey has been trying out many different places to sleep in his 
"How close can I get to hurting myself and Mama" 
ISO-lympic Category, but this one which he calls Close Call takes the Gold!  Laying here he can almost get run over by the chair wheels while causng Mama to fall out of her office chair all at the same time!!
Good Job Jakey, what a definite high degree of difficulty!

We have to say, out of all the LLB Gang, Arty has been working the hardest, hours of practice along with keeping Mama and Daddy up at all hours of the night has him winning the LLB Gold Medal in

Turn up the Volume(but not too loud) and give this video a listen!

You can also view it HERE on YouTube 

What do you think, worthy of a Gold Medal??

Speaking of Arty, he needs a bit of POTP.  He has been having some "really concerning" eye issues and, despite the whole "Shelter in Place" ordinance, he and Mama are on the way to his Eye Doctor in Oregon today. We'll keep you up to date.

Hop aboard the Blogville ISO-lympic Blog Hop and hop around to see what other fun events are happening around the neighborhood!

We want to thank Bella, Dui and Roxy for Hosting this most Pawsome Blogville Event and kudos to HER for coming up with the idea!! 

We also want to thank Sweet William the beautimous event badge!!