
Snow on My Birthday

This is One!
That's right, last Sunday was my very first birthday!!!

 To celebrate, Rosy, Mama and Daddy took me to the Mountains to celebrate!
There were lots of good sniffs.

 The weather was pretty warm(for the mountains)when we first got there and we went for a nice long hike in the campground.  Daddy even took me on my first swing!!
 When I woke up on the morning of my birthday I saw white stuff falling from the sky!!
What the what???
Mama told Rosy and I all about the snow. How it usually happens in the Winter, but we were lucky and were seeing some in the Spring!!! 


 It settled on the ground, and even on the trees!!


We even got to go for walkies in the Wint...ummm, I mean Snowy Spring Wonderland!
 It was so quiet and peaceful and the sun even came out for a little while.

It did sure was pretty...and pretty cold too!

Here is a short movie Mama put together of my First Birthday, including me enjoying a birthday treat!

You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube
 Snow is nice, but next year I think I want to try someplace Trawpical for my birthday.
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Earth Week Nature Walk

 Rosy here today with Sunny to take you on a little nature walk to celebrate a belated Earth Day!

You know it's going to be a good day when your walk starts by seeing a Double Crested Cormorant

 The for bank moved in and out making for
some clear parts to the walk...

 ...and some foggy parts.
 I interrupt this post to let you know Mama DID NOT take us on this walk!!! She did say she would make it up to us though.

 What a pretty pond. I wonder what that goose is doing out there?

 So many pretty trees....The Earth sure can be a beautiful place
 But how about some important questions...
For instance, how exactly ARE you going to make this up to us Mama?? Treats, cheese, extra playtime???

What, MORE pictures? 
I guess I can wait....
 I wonder where this leads??

 WOW... I bet this is a dinosaur egg....or a goose egg, one of the two.

That sure was a nice walk you had there Mama...
Now....how do you plan to make up for leaving us home?? 
REALLY?? A trip to the mountains in CeCe this weekend?
We'll report back next week to fill you in on all the fun we have in the mountains. 
We hope you all get out and enjoy Earth's beauty this weekend!!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Summer is Coming

The sun is out, the birds are signing and the flowers are blooming! Rosy says that means Spring is in full swing and Summer is coming right behind it!! I looked through Mama's archives and found some pretty Summer flowers to enjoy while we wait!




 Hmmmm, it's still a bit chilly, maybe we need to wait a bit longer?? Here are a few more flowers to keep you company while we wait...



 What's that Rosy?? Summer isn't for another two months, that's like FOREVER!!!
 I don't think I can find enough flowers to last us that long...

We hope you get out and find some flowers growing this week!!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



Flowers for Marg on Nature Friday

 Hi everybody, welcome to a special "Flowers for Marg" episode of Nature Friday! I have collected some Spring flowers to give to help Marg celebrate her birthday today!!
 The Lupines are starting to bloom, they are such a beautiful purple and one of our favorites!

I am pretty sure this bee came out just to say Happy Birthday to Miss Marg and, of course, score some nummy lupine pollen!

 Here is a pretty red flower for Marg!
 But wait, that's not all!

 Here we have a purple and yellow Iris

 and a soft purple pretty flower that we don't have the name of BOL!

 Not to be left out, these pretty yellow tulips also made an appearance for Marg's Birthday!!
We are wishing Marg a very Happy Birthday with lots of Kitty snuggles and Purrrrs!!!
Feel free to leave a birthday wish for Marg in our comments, or with June and ZH over at Zoolatry!!
This week we are celebrating a very special Blogville resident's birthday. That's right, Rosy has put together a special 
"Flowers for Marg on Nature Friday" 
Blog Hop!
Feel free to hop aboard with your very own birthday wish for Marg and/or a Nature picture(it can be flowers or any other form of nature)!


Not so Wordless on Wednesday

 Did you know that a very special Blogville resident has a Birthday coming up??
This Friday we will be celebrating Miss Marg from Marg's Animals Birthday!!
Miss Marg has done so much for generations of feral kitties and other animals! You might remember, we did a story about her a couple of years ago. 
You can read it HERE to read more about Marg.

This Friday we are hosting
Flowers for Marg on Nature Friday to help celebrate. You can still post your regular Nature Friday post, and/or you can hop aboard with a special Birthday wish for Marg!
You can link up here of Friday, or you can find the link HERE

Either way, we look forward to seeing you Friday!!






Hoppy Easter!

 Wishing all our friends

 a very Hoppy Easter
 from our pack

to yours!!