
July Birthdays and Caturday Art

First, a very Happy Birthday to those who are celebrating Birthdays in July!!!
 Percy and Merci, both from Jan's Funny Farm are celebrating special days this month!!

Mr. Reilly from Cowspotdogs also has a big day coming on July 19th!!
Happy Early Barkdays to all and we think your assistants should celebrate the whole month with you!!
Do you have a birthday that we don't have on our monthly calendar? 

We are always trying to update our monthly birthday calendar, but know we have forgotten a few important dates lately!
(our biggest apologies go out to Emma the GBGV's sister, Miss Bailie, who had a birthday we missed in June,  Mama has added her and your little sister Madison to our master calendar).

 Email our assistant at 
bethblog(at)ebchristians(dot)com if you would like to be added to our monthly calendar!

We are leaving you with a bit of Independence Day Caturday Art!
We hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing long summer weekend! 

We are joining Athena over at Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty
for the Caturday Art Blog Hop!


Flower Friday - June at Sequoia Gardens

Happy Flower Friday!! 
Today Mama and I want to show you what June looks like at the Sequoia Garden!

Color is popping up everywhere!!!

Except for the skies, of course. They call it June gloom in Southern California, here we call it the Marine Layer. The skies stay foggy and cloudy most of the day, with the sun popping out every now and again.

Which is good, because I love wearing my shades!! 
Enough about our weather, let's get to the flowers!!

The Day lilies are beautiful this year!

Look at all the beautiful colors!!

These are Mama's favorite colors! She especially likes the reddish brown purple-y  ones at the bottom!!

Along with the Day Lilies, there are bunches of other gorgeous flowers too!

Here is a dog's eye view of the path to the Wishing Well.  It's lined with lots of pretty color!

The daisies are starting to bloom!

There are still a few Columbine's left

It seems as Blue isn't the only color of Blue Bells. We saw some pretty White and Pink Bells too!

There is one more place I want to show you before we head into the weekend!

The pretty gazebo flowers!

These little hanging lilies really captured Mama's attention. Orange is one of her most favorite colors!

We can't decide whether these flowers are some kind of sweet pea,  snap dragon or monkey flower...

Whatever they are, they sure are pretty!!

We hope you enjoyed seeing the Sequoia Gardens this month....

...because look at the dahlias that are starting to bloom for our July visit!!

Hop aboard and show us the flowers blooming in your corner of the world (If you don't see the link here, please click HERE to go to our Hoppity page)!!


Thankful Thursday

Today Jakey and I want to take a minute to thank everyone in Blogville and the Catosphere  for their outpouring of love and support during the passing of our brother Bilbo(along with Dory's passing).

Thanks to Ann at Zoolatry
We are so very blessed to have so many furiends...

Thanks to Mr. Freckles and his Mama
....and have felt surrounded by love as we made our transition from a pack of four to a pack of two so quickly.

Our Memorial Shelves
We are still waiting for Bilbo to come home, but Mama has put all the cards and things we wanted to keep of Dory and Bilbo on special Memorial shelves in Mama's office.

 This Thankful Thursday, we want to tell you how very 
thankful we are for each and every one of YOU!

 We are joining Brian for the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop this week!


TT-Camping with the Boyz - Wrap Up

Hi All and welcome to the wrap up of our Camping Adventure!!

We made the most of our last day at Dash Point State Park with some more hiking!

We reflected on how much we really like camping in a wheelie house! Here is Jakey imagining how much fun our next camping adventure is going to be in August. We can't wait to see the Doodz and a few more of our blogging furiends in Oregon for the Mini BAR!

After reflecting, we took time to listen to the streams and watch sticks float by...

We used our imaginations...
(ok, well maybe Mama used her imagination...for some reason Mama told us to "move along" with Daddy while she admired all the mushrooms/fairy houses)

I played on bridges with Daddy...

...and enjoyed views of the bridges

We took an adventure walkie to the parts of the campground that weren't open yet too!

We saw the moon above the trees...

We relaxed with some peemail reading..

Mama said there were bunnies EVERYWHERE...but we never found any!

"I smell a bunny Jakey...Really I do!"

We took time to appreciate all the greenery...

Pretty soon the sun started going down...

Daddy said it was time to head back to the wheelie house and start packing things up.

"Don't forget our cookies Mama...and our greenies too!"

The next morning we drove alllll the way back to Portland and returned the wheelie house! Mama says that we had absolutely no problems with CruiseAmerica. We got our full deposit back and the place we rented from was very professional!

After we dropped the wheelie house off we drove to Grants Pass to stay in the same LQ we stayed at on the way out! This time we got to stay for FREE. Daddy says Mama is LQ royalty 'cause she stays in them so much!

It was nice to stay in a big bed again!

Thanks so much for sticking with us (and all Mama's pictures) during our journey. We had a really great time camping and know that this was the first of many, many trips to come! 

Mini Jakey and Mini Arty are with Mama, visiting Uncle Cowboy and Uncle Rocky, and will be back to tell you about their journey in a few weeks!