
FFF-Wildlife Watchin'

Welcome to the wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!! 

Deer Me
by Rosy

We went for a hike, just Mama and Me
Along a cool lookout, to see what we could see
We heard there were elk, cougars and bears
Mama had warned me we had to beware!

The scenery was pretty, so lush and green
at first Mama missed, what I'd clearly seen
Down in the valley, instead of something to fear
Eating leaves from the bushes were two very cute deer!

Shush Mama, please, don't scare them away
she did as I asked, and there did we stay.
We watched as they carefully climbed the big hill
We watched and we watched and stood very still.

Finally, they were almost as far as we could see,
when I noticed the small deer looking at me.
I barely heard him speak...

 Is that you Rosy Dear,  Jakey and Arty Deer we be.....

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Happy Sisters on Thankful Thursday

This week we are thankful for two sisters, who have become good friends.

Being together is close quarters for 9 days had Mama and Daddy a little worried we might get snippy with each other. But we were very comfortable with each other, and there was no snippy-ness! 

The pawrents are very thankful we got and are getting along so well together. We are thankful we have each other to complain to about our silly pawrents!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Happy Travel Tuesday - Raton Pass, NM


On our way to the Rocky Mountains(and on the way back) we stayed overnight in a cute little RV Park in Raton Pass, NM. 
(I might have told Sunny she was going to have take a bath with the bears while we were here teeheehee)

At almost 8,000ft above sea level, Raton Pass is located near the border of New Mexico and Colorado. Because of the elevation, the highway over the mountain pass can be unpredictable during the Winter and Spring because of snow and wind storms. Although Daddy says it is a little scary to drive, we were lucky and didn't run into any winds or bad weather.

As seems to be a theme on our holidays, the Raton Pass RV Park is located near an historic railway line. The railroad was built back in 1878, they built a tunnel through the mountain pass in 1879. In 1908, a second tunnel was built and, believe it or not, still serves Amtrak train customers today!

We had beautiful weather during our stays.
During our first stay the temperatures were in the 90sF(30sC).
On our way home, they were in the 60s(15-25C). 

We were lucky and arrived in the mid afternoon both days, plenty of time for long walkies with Daddy!

We had to do our big walkies during the day though, because at this RV park there was a  TON of wildlife!! 

Not just on the bath house walls either!
Well, that's what Mama said anyway, we would have loved to see a bear! We bet we could have barked it away!

We did hear a rattlesnake during one of our hikes but Mama turned us around on the trail before we could see it.
(Between us, Daddy said it was probably a cicada bug, but Mama wasn't taking any chances. Silly Mama!)

Luckily, we saw no bears or cougars except on the bathhouse walls BOL. Seriously though, the buildings were covered with these fun paintings which gave the pawrents a giggle. I(Rosy) may or may not have barked at them through the RV window.

Join us next week when I(Rosy) take you on a tour of Grand Lake, Colorado, the Gateway to the Rocky Mountains!

Don't worry Sunny, you don't really have to bathe with the bears BOL!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Nature Friday - Vacation Flowers

For the final Nature Friday of Summer, we thought we would show you some of the flowers we saw while we were on vacation.

We haven't seen thistle since we left California, we forgot just how pretty they could be!

Daisies were everywhere....

Aren't these snap dragons pretty? They remind us of a sunrise

We found a lot of little wildflowers during our waks...

A little blue flax bloom

and this little Mexican hat were some of our favorites!

What was really amazing is the temperatures were getting down below freezing at night, but the flowers still seemed to thrive! 

Here are some more daisies, just because they are so pretty

This Indian Blanket reminded us of Springtime in Texas

Mama found this sunflower, looks like the buzzy bee found it too!

We'll wrap up things up with this patch of Brown Eyed Susans
we found during one of our walks!

Thanks for joining us to celebrate the end of Summer with flowers this week.

Are you still seeing flowers in your corner of Blogville? 

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Memories

 We are so very thankful for all the memories we made during our Rocky Mountain Adventure. Mama is still going through and organizing all the pictures, but here is a preview of what's to come!

Daddy did a most pawsome job driving CeCe and JeeJee, the Diva Jeep, through the ups and downs and twisty turny mountain roads! 

We spent some time wildlife viewing

...saw pretty flowers...

Took in some GORGEOUS views.

Had lots of relaxing family snuggle time.

The pawrents got to enjoy hikes in Rocky Mountain National Park

We went on lots of family adventures

We saw the first signs of Autumn...

Best of all, we got to  see Daddy 

We are so very thankful for all the 
different memories we made. 

Over the next few weeks, as Mama gets the pictures ready, we'll have more than a few posts sharing our adventures!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Almost Wordless Wednesday

9 days,
Never ending nature walks,
Many pictures,
lots of videos...

Most important are all the memories we made and
we can't wait to share some of them with you!

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!