
Beach Smiles on FFF Nature Friday

Welcome to the most special Friday of the month, when Nature Friday and Final Friday Fiction fall on the same day! Click HERE to transport to YAM Aunty's FFF page and read all the entries!

 Today I, Rosy, have composed a special sonnet or maybe poem or maybe just a a collection of feelings from my very first trip to visit the Oregon shore....I call it "Beach Smiles"

I used these phrases from Jimmy Buffet's Book,
A Salty Piece of Land p. 87 8) dropped into one of the turquoise
12) our own wind
16) Off the beaten path

The sounds of happy families playing in the sand...

 The warm feel of my Daddy's embrace on a chilly morning...

 The sound of the birds in the sky on what seems like our own wind made for them...

 The sea doggies barking hello before they dropped into one of the turquoise bays

Taking walks with Daddy off the beaten path...

 The waves splashing their hello...

 The warm sun on my furs...

 Trees covering rocky shores...

Wondering why rocks grow in the ocean....

 All these things and more give me Beach Smiles...

 What makes you smile???

 Show us your nature! It can be a picture of your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a walkie! Any kind of nature picture will do(does not have to include a pet)!


The Pawfect Gift #ChewyInfluencer

 Rosy here today to tell you all about the cool early Christmas Present I got for the boyz this year!

Every time I go on a Mama and me trip Arty and Jakey always complain I take Mama away from her daily work of waiting on them. It seems da Boyz think they aren't getting the attention they deserve while we're gone.  Daddy comes home for a little while during lunch and then doesn't get home from work until night time, cutting into their daily treat allowance...Mama and I always feel a little guilty when we get home.

 Soooooo....When Natalie and Kristen at Chewy.com asked if I wanted to review the  
Petcube Bites Wi-Fi Treat Camera 
as a #chewyinfluencer this month, I jumped at the chance!
 This would be the pawfect pressie for the boyz(and me too)!! 
We were given a Petcube Bites Wi-Fi Camera and Treat Dispenser from Chewy.com as part of the #ChewyInfluencer program.  In exchange I am giving my(and maybe Mama's) honest to goodness, true blue opinion. We did not receive any monetary compensation for this review.

 I wouldn't mind if Chewy.com let Santa Paws know I was an extra good girl this year tho....

 I was so excited when the Petcube WiFi Treat Dispenser arrived and knew right away I wasn't going to be able to wait all the way to Christmas to give it to da Boyz!

 So, even though it cut into some of my play time, I asked Daddy to put it up right away! We opted to put it on the wall so it would be on "little dog level". Daddy says it was WAY easy to install! He also says I am a VERY good helper!

 After Daddy had it attached to the wall, he downloaded the Petcube App on his iPhone(it also has an Android App if your peeps have one of those) then Mama installed the same App(multiple people can have the access to see our beautiful faces). They both said it was very easy peasy to install and after a few minutes they could see us AND talk to us through the Pet Bites Unit!!

...and guess what else they could do???

It holds up to 2 lbs of up to 1 inch treats and even comes with a bag of treats to get you started!

Any time, day or night, Mama and Daddy can look on their phones and see us anywhere in the family room(where we spend most of our time when they aren't home) and GIVE US TREATS by sliding the little bone up with their finger! Then treats just fling out of a hole in the front! You can even have your peeps set the distance you want to fling them!  They can also hear us AND talk to us...Mama says the audio is a little iffy sometimes, but it gets our attention. The video is in 1080p and you can even zoom in 3X to see our adorable faces!

 Petcube Bites can even send an alert to Mama's phone if there is movement in the Family Room!! You know, in case a squirrel invades the room! All she has to do is check the App when she sees the alert, and then can see a 10 second video it makes of me and Arty the squirrel getting in trouble!

Now whenever Mama and I go on a trip, or if Mama and Daddy go out for the evening, they can keep an eye on us GIVE US TREATS!  If you are looking for the pawfect gift for a sibling or even for yourself, stop by Chewy.com and check out the Petcube Bites Wi-Fi Pet Camera this howliday season! 

Chewy.com has a wide selection of products for all pets, 24/7 customer service and fast delivery service making shopping easy peasy during the howliday,  and through out the year!


ATTENTION: Special Blogville Announcement

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening my fellow Blogville Residents! Arty here, with Vice-Mayor Mabel. As you may know, we are wrapping up our second term in Blogville. 

We are looking to you, the residents of Blogville, for help in structuring Blogville in the future! If you missed our post earlier this year and would like to be the future Mayor of Blogville please leave a note in the comments or send us an email at the address on our sidebar!

You may be asking what responsibilities come with being Mayor? The most important thing is to be, what you might call, Blogville's cheerleader and community announcement center! You can also choose to host community events(but you don't have to)! Also, as the Mayor of Blogville, you would be the Blogville archivist! We would pass along the Blogville Administration and Portrait Hall page for your safekeeping.  We do realize that with Facebook, and Instagram, we don't have as many year long residents of Blogville, so....

...we have another option... 

Blogville can be a village led by the citizens.  We would be honored to keep the Blogville Administration and Portrait Hall here at our Blogville House, and every citizen can basically just...keep doing what we're doing. Anyone can still feel free to host an event or be Blogville's cheerleader at any time!

Tell us what YOU want....Blogville is all about having fun in our community, and only you can tell us what you think would be fun. 
Please tell us what you would like in the comments!


A Walk in the Forest on Nature Friday

Jakey here this week for Nature Friday!

I thought you might like to tag along for a "Jakey, Mama and Daddy" walkie!  While it's nice to walk with Rosy and Arty, I really enjoy a nice walk with just Mama and Daddy sometimes too!

I decided we should visit a trail through a forest close to our house (I am a much better walker than a car passenger)!

The leaves in our corner of Blogville are mostly on the ground but thankfully we also have lots of trees that keep their leaves all year round.

Of course, Mama had her camera. I didn't think she was ever going stop taking pictures!

Finally, I asked Daddy to tell her to stop so we could get back to our walk!

We had the trail almost all to ourselves and it was so very peaceful. Hearing the sound of our paws crunching leaves was so relaxing!

Mama pointed out this cute little mushroom colony, I wonder if it's a fairy village?

Thanks for joining me for my walkie today...
I sure hope you get out to see some nature this weekend!
Join Rosy next week for a special FFF hosted by Yam-aunty!
(Read more about FFF HERE)

 Show us your nature! It can be a picture of your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a walkie! Any kind of nature picture will do(does not have to include a pet)!


Happy Thanks-Blogville

Happy Thanks Blogville EveryPawdy!!
Here in the USA  it's also Thanksgiving, making it the pawfect day to let everyone know why we are thankful for Blogville!

There are so many reasons to be thankful, it was hard to narrow them down!
First off are the furiendships we have made over the years. In 2019 it will be ten years we have been blogging and it's hard to count how many furiends we have made, and kept, over the years! Blogville wouldn't be Blogville without the furiendships we share!

Next up is the fun we have together. Whether it be a pawty...a Blog Hop or holiday, there can always be fun to be found in Blogville! We have made memories that will last a lifetime!

Perhaps the most wonderful thing about Blogville is the love we share with each other. Whether it is losing one of our furiends...or adding a new pup to the pack, Blogville is always there, supporting us along the way!

So Thanks Blogville, for being such a wonderful place to call our virtual home!

Prepare a post letting everypawdy know why YOU are thankful for Blogville today and hop aboard!