
Nature FFF - Halloween Style!

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with  YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the New Rulez and join the FFF fun!!
This month we triple the fun because Halloween is tomorrow!! Arty is here today to share why Halloween always makes him smile!




Halloween Smiles 
by Arty
Walks in the park
Hikes on the beach
Blowing leaves to bark at
Just out of reach
Yes I may dress up
but that's nothing new
I might as well fess up
I like it, I do!
I get lots of treats
and I know you must see
I really love to have a seat
and let Mama focus on me!
So yes, you'll see me smile
during her Halloween dress up ploy,
Because I love to hear Mama say,
"Arty you're my Bestest Boy"

We hope all our friends have 
Halloween smiles this weekend!!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful Thursday - Almost Over!

 Jakey here today and I think I speak for us all when I say...


Thankful I am, that Halloween is almost here and over soon, dress up season will be!
You'd think Yoda Jakey would know, with our Mama,
dress up season here lasts
ALL YEAR long!!


Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Almost Wordless Wednesday

When you are pretty sure that Mr. Lucas and the Star Wars peeps had you in mind....

 ...when they created the Ewok!

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!



The Great Pumpkin??


That's right Sunny, on Friday night, the Great Pumpkin will rise out of the pumpkin patch and give treats and toys to all the good puppies that don't bitey their sisters!!

 Wow Rosy, that sounds pawsome! I promise I will the the pawfect little sister!! Do you have any idea what the Great Pumpkin looks like??

Ummmmmm, sure Sunny, look...out in the pumpkin patch, who could it be?!
Oooooooo, aaaaahhhh
I am the Great Pumpkin!!!

Hmmmm, wait just a minute Rosy! That is NOT the Great Pumpkin, that is Arty!!! In fact, that isn't even a pumpkin patch...that is the Redwood Forest!! 


I think a good game of bitey face may be in order!


I could totally be the Great Pumpkin if I wanted to be! 



We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



Warm Wookie Jacket

 Mama says, I should thank YAM-Aunty for my Halloween costume idea this year. She mentioned in a comment I reminded her of a Wookie! I think I make a very fierce Wookie who could definitely help Yoda take down the Empire!!

Baby Yoda:  "A cuter wookie, I have never seen!"

Whatevs Baby Yoda....Keep up that cute talk, and I'll show you just how fierce I can be!!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Flittering Around on Nature Friday

Thank you for buzzing by to visit us for Nature Friday today! Speaking of buzzing, while visiting Humboldt Botanical Gardens the other week, I met some fun fluttery  friends!
 This little guy(or girl) was very patient while Mama took pictures of him!
 He was a great model too and looked right at the camera !!
Wellll, he hung around until he heard his friends talking about some delicious nectar across the garden.
After my new hummingbird friend flew off, I looked down and saw another fluttery friend!

Mama says it is a Buckeye Moth...

 He definitely looks like he has eyes on his wings, doesn't he??

 But the best thing was, he is all decked out for Autumn in his orange, black and brown!!
Ummm...Mama...these are NOT real  flowers! My final guest would be very disappointed to hear that...
 We saw this cute little honey bee on the cute little heart blooms of an Irish Strawberry Tree...
 Doesn't he have beautiful markings??
We always enjoy seeing bees out and about doing their jobs!

Make sure to take time to smell the flowers this weekend...even if they are fake flowers BL!!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


An Arty/Sunny Update

 Stout yet Stubborn
Mama here today to give you an update, or a "journal" for my future reference if you will,
on the continuing saga between Arty and Sunny.  Our motto here at LLB Gang headquarters is "One Day at a Time" and we have some really good days and some really bad days too. 
Let's start with Arty. We are lucky enough to have a big downstairs living area, big enough that we can have it fenced into two areas...Right now, Arty is staying on one side of the house during the mornings and evenings. During Sunny's afternoon naps, Rosy and Arty go for a walk and then Arty spends some time with Rosy and Jakey before heading back to his part of the house.  Arty needs to be watched around Jakey, as he will, at times, decide he doesn't like Jakey's face and will go after him (this has been going on since before Sunny came to live with us). Arty's impatience and short, unpredictable fuse make it very difficult for us to trust him alone with any of the pups at the moment. But while Arty's stubborn and aggressive behavior may have started the problem,  Sunny's fierceness has not helped anything.

Tiny yet Fierce

Sunny, at almost six months old,  is starting to come into her own. While she is now getting big enough to play with the big dogs, she has taken to barking non stop whenever she even hears Arty moving around in the other room. This, of course, ends up in a major barking battle between Arty and Sunny with hackles up and tails flicking(posturing). Needless to say, they won't be spending time together anytime soon. Sunny can be a bit bossy, especially with Jakey, and we have had to break she and Jakey up a few times.(no blood has been shed from any dog, we do have that going for us).  Luckily, Sunny and Rosy get along well.  Rosy doesn't take any of Sunny's bossiness seriously and they play together showing no signs of aggression.


Enter our "thankfuls" for this week. With input from our awesome Vet, Dr. R,  we decided to look for a trainer/behaviorist for both our problem children. Living in a VERY rural town, we have no access to Behaviorists(but have a list from friends of some in Southern California to call if we need a consult) but have found a wonderful, patient trainer we have been working with. With her help we are teaching Sunny that playing with us(and getting delicious noms) is much more fun than barking at Arty. We can't thank Dr. R enough for taking the time to coach us via email and continue to take good care of Arty. Sunny and the rest of the Gang.


It is hopeful that with time, training and possibly medication for Arty, we will be able to all live together in harmony during vacations in the RV we plan to get early next year!


Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Not Quite Wordless Wednesday

Oh Mama..no matter how much you like those Marvel characters from Guardians of the Galaxy,
 I am not Groot!! 
No, not even the teenage Groot, although I do admire his attitude!

I see myself as more of an intelligent and stately Ent, like Treebeard from Lord of the Rings!

 .What do you think, am I more Grooty-y or Ent-y???


Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!



Happy Sisters

"Nothing to see here Mama, move along!"

 Happiness is having a sister to share your secrets with...



 "Mama didn't bring the treats Rosy, should we turn her into a toad?"

...or a sister witch to share your spells with!


We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Pumpkin Heads

 Well this isn't so bad, Arty. Mama only has us in cute little hats and bandanas.

 Not bad at all Jakey, maybe we'll escape the "full dress up" this year!


 I wouldn't bet on it boyz,  a box from Chewy.com arrived late last week and it didn't smell like foodies!!




 Wait a minute, what's "full dress up"? 

We still get treats, right???


We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Autumn in the Garden on Nature Friday

 Rosy here this week to show you what Autumn is looking like this year at the Humboldt Botanical Gardens!
At first glance, it doesn't look that different from the rest of the year, does it??
 Look over there.
There are even still a few blooms left!

 These purple flowers are still blooming, even after a few cool nights.

The big white poppies are doing well...

Monkey flower bushes are still going strong too!!

Don't worry there are signs of Autumn too!!

 Here is a picture of me, with a tree I found whose leaves are starting to change!

 A little red mixed with the green sure looked pretty!!
We don't see much color change here, do the leaves change in your corner of Blogville??

We hope you and your people get a chance to do some nature walks and leaf peeping this weekend!


Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.