
Holistic Blend Dog Foods #ChewyInfluencer

This month as #ChewyInfluencers we are doing a special 30 day review!!

That's right, we are going to be reviewing Holistic Blend Dog Food!! Mama has been in search of a new food for us that we all like (even Bilbo) AND that will help with Arty's itchies!

We chose Holistic Blends Lamb and Rice flavor to enjoy!! We started mixing this in with the kibble we were currently on about a week ago and now are almost totally switched over!!

Mama loves all the natural ingredients,  vitamins and minerals AND that it is hypo-allergenic Holistic Blends contains!  

You can read more about all the nommy stuff over at Chewy.com!
(click HERE to transport over)

Bilbo loves that is smaller, easier to chew and fits in his senior mouth better than our current foodies!

We made sure to have Mama let us try some out to make sure it had the FCDA (Four Crazy Dogs Approval). Needless to say, we are going to enjoy reviewing this product (we tasted Bilbo's by Proxy)!!

We will be back in the middle of the month to let you know how things are going!!

We were not compensated for this review. We received a bag of Holistic Blend Lamb and Rice All Life Stages Dog Food in exchange for our (and Mama's) honest opinions.

We will be climbing aboard the Chewy.com Blogger Network Blog Hop on the 3rd Tuesday of March!! Thanks Sugar and Oz for hosting!


March Birthdays!

Look at all the bunches of cool birthdays we get to celebrate in March!

Happy March Birthdays to:

March 1st - Rusty - Jan's Funny Farm
March 3rd - Molly - Mitch and Molly
March 11 - Madi - Madi and Mom Down Home in NC
March 15th - Dui - Down Under Daisy
 March 15th - Ranger - The Adventures of Ranger
March 20th - Crockett - Lone Star Cats
March 25th - Sarge - Sarge Speaks Out
March - 26th - Shiloh - Team Beaglebratz
March 31st - Jakey - Dory's Backyard

If you have a birthday in March that you don't see here, please email Mama at
beth(at)ebchiristians(dot)com  and we'll get it on the calendar right away!!


BWSS Jakey Snuggles

We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!

We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday


Happy Birthday Ziggy!

We want to wish our wonderful nephew Ziggy a 

Ziggy is having a Big Pawty today to celebrate, make sure to stop by and wish him a great day!!
(you can click HERE to transport over!)


Once Upon a Time Under the Sea

Today, we are participating in the Once Upon a Time Blog Hop
hosted by Lord Shiloh and Lady Shasta and sponsored by Oz Tours!

Now...to our Fairy Tail!

Once upon a time there was a most beautiful princess, who always longed to visit the fishies under the sea! 

One day her Fairy Godturtle granted her wish!

At first, the princess loved being under the sea.

 But soon, with no other puppies around she got lonely.....and then

the Princess realized it WAS WET under the sea....and if there was one thing she hated more than anything else, it was being WET!!! Needless to say she asked her Fairy God Turtle to please return her to dry land.

Of course, the moral of the story is 
Even if there are pretty fishies and stuff


hosting such a great Blogville Event!


Things Happening About Town

  Jakey here today,  with a few reminders of the things going on around Blogville!!

First, don't forget to join the Fairy Tale fun tomorrow!!

Lady Shasta and Lord Shiloh are hosting the Once Upon a Time Blog Hop!!
You can read all about this fun event by clicking HERE!

Then, make sure to join in the Dr. Seuss fun on Wednesday,  March 2nd.  Rumor has it Mama will be turning Arty into a "Dog in the Hat"

Mama better not be dressing me up again, Jakey!! I think it's YOUR turn this year!!

Hmmmmm...better change the subject!!
 Dory wants to remind you to check out the BAR page to stay up to date on all the things being planned for June! Even if you aren't going to be there in the furs, you'll want to follow the page to see all the fun pictures, movies and other stuff going on.
   PLUS...there may be a way for you to be there...WITHOUT being there!
Yep, you better stay tuned for that one!!
Click HERE to transport to the BAR page!

As usual, there is lots and lots going on around Blogville, we hope to see YOU at some of these fun events!!!  

Wordless Wednesday

We are joining  BlogPaws for Wordless Wednesday this week!


Not all who wander....

Last week, our new friends at  All Things Collie invited us to join them in the Three Day Quote Challenge! Today's quotes reflect what we are talking about over at the BAR Blog today!!

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
Ernest Hemingway
 and Mama's most favorite quote....

 “Not all those who wander are lost.”
J.R.R. Tolkien,
The Fellowship of the Ring

Thank you so much to All Things Collie for inviting us to join the Three Day Quote Challenge! We have had a blast sharing a few of our favorite quotes with everyone!

There are three rules to this challenge, and they are:

1. Post for three consecutive days. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 - check

2. Choose and share one or three quotes each day. Check

3. Challenge three additional bloggers each day. We invite all our friends
to join in the Quote fun!

Please stop by the BAR Blog and join us Pee 2 of the 5 Pees of Travel - Preparing!! 

Click HERE to transport over now! 


Communing with Nature

Last week, our new friends at  All Things Collie invited us to join them in the Three Day Quote Challenge! I, Arty , went for a walk yesterday and thought of the perfect quote for today!

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.”
Sylvia Plath,
The Bell Jar

 I just love walking in nature!!

Thank you so much to All Things Collie for inviting us to join the Three Day Quote Challenge!

There are three rules to this challenge, and they are:

1. Post for three consecutive days. Day 1, Day 2 - check

2. Choose and share one or three quotes each day. Check

3. Challenge three additional bloggers each day. We invite all our friends
to join in the Quote fun!



Black and White Quote Challenge Sunday - We Love Pink!

Last week, our new friends at  All Things Collie invited us to join them in the Three Day Quote Challenge!  Dory here today to bring you Day One!

I believe in pink. 
I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. 
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. 
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.
 I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
 I believe that tomorrow is another day and 
I believe in miracles.

Thank you so much to All Things Collie for inviting us to join the Three Day Quote Challenge!

There are three rules to this challenge, and they are:
1. Post for three consecutive days. Day 1 - check
2. Choose and share one or three quotes each day. Check
3. Challenge three additional bloggers each day. We invite all our friends
to join in the Quote fun!

We are also joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!


Blogville Birthdays!!


We finally had Mama finish up the Blogville Birthdays!! 
We decided to keep this list as a page on our blog so it can be easily accessed by all of Blogville any time they need it.  Click HERE, or on the button on our sidebar (or above). Please feel free to share the button and the link!!

Mama want to apologize ahead of time if there are any errors or omissions, and let you know she can EASILY FIX OR UPDATE anyone's Birthday! Even if you didn't get a chance to submit your Birthday, you can email Mama and she can have you on the list!!

Also, on the 1st of every month, we will be publishing the calendar for the current month. Under the Calendar will be a list of the birthday boy/gal's names, and blog links, so you can stop by and say Happy Birthday!!

Without further ado, here is the Calendars for January and February (the months we missed). Look for the March Birthday Calendar here on March 1st or, if you want to get a head start, you can find it along with the whole year on our Birthday List Page!

January 13th - Hailey - The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles
January 16th - Chloe - Bichonpawz
January 26th - Miro - Animalia

February 1st - Wallace - The Chronicles of Wallace and Samuel
February 3rd - Murphy - Murphy and Stanley
February 3rd - Stanley - Murphy and Stanley
February 7th - Charlie - Charlie Downunder in Oz
February 14th - Daisy  - Daily Daisy Dog Blog
February 14th - LadyBug - Bichonpawz
February 15th - StellaRose - Three Little Pugs
February 15th - Angus (Gussie) - Three Little Pugs 
February 18th - Bertie - Bouncing Bertie's Blog
February 27th - Ziggy - Ziggy Takes on the World
February 28th - Taffy - A Wiener Dog Blog

Happy Belated Birthday to all the Birthdays we missed!!!


Going Green for Greenies!!! #ChewyInfluencer

 This month Sydney, our bestest friend over at Chewy.com,  put our most favorite treat EVER on the list for a #chewyinfluencer review.  Needless to say, we told Mama we DESERVED to review Greenies because we have been putting up with all her silly photo shoots!! We pawed Sydney back and the Greenies were here lickety split!

Did I mentioned these are our MOST FAVORITE TREATS EVER???  They are so good that we agreed to yet ANOTHER silly photo shoot with Mama to help show you!

Greenies come in 4 different sizes to choose and in different styles too! We all get the Petite size, but Arty gets the Grain Free Greenies and sometimes I get the ummm..."Weight Management" kind. 
Head over to Chewy.com to find the right type of Greenies for you!!

 Greenies also are known for their ability to keep our breath fresh and toofers clean, right Dory??

 That's right, Jakey!!
Nothing is better for a good pawrent/pup relationship than a treat that is good for you and

 Come on Mama, stop being so artsy fartsy and GIMME THE GREENIE!!!

Don't you know it is WRONG to tease the doggy???
(from Mama: 2 minutes later the Greenie was safe in Dory's tummy)

 Jakey is the Greenie KING of the house!!

 He knows just how to "brush his teefies" with Greenies!
Great Job, Jakey!!

We give Greenies ONE MILLION PAWS.....ok, maybe 12 paws up!!
(Bilbo doesn't eat Greenies, but he says if they come up with a Pumpkin Flavor he'll be the first to taste test them!!)

Greenies and Chewy.com, two great things that go great together!!!

As #chewyinfluencers, we received a package of Greenies in exchange for our honest opinion. We were not paid for this review and all of the opinions are either ours or our Mama's.

We are climbing aboard the Chewy.com Blogger Network Blog Hop!! Thanks Sugar and Oz for hosting!!