
The Week of Love

Valentine's Day is less than a week away, and we are feeling the love here at our house.

So look forward to some Lovey Dovey posts as we post our cards to our Valentines this week!! I'll wrap things up with a special Seeing Beautiful on Flower Friday dedicated to my special guy, Bailey!!

Mama ran into some "technical difficulties", but says the Birthday list will be finished and on it's way this week!


  1. Happy VDay early!! Military Husband bought me the cutest VDay knee high socks tonight lol. I know..romantic right? But they are so adorable. Haha

  2. Oh Dory, you always look sooooo adorable, I luffs you in pink, just pawfect wiv your furs
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Hari OM
    That is sooooooo your colour Dory!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. I don't have an entire week of love, but I do have a Valentines post today. Looking forward to a "love"ly week.

  5. oh how great to see cute pink things now... that's like candy for our soul who is tired to see only gray and white things :o)

  6. Dory your dress is lovely!! Just lovely
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Lady keeps forgetting it is the week of love. We feel lovely in this house because we are all back together!

  8. you make a beautiful valentine Dory

  9. Valentine day is YOUR day because you are so pretty in pink and rose and red... you look like the Ultimate Valentine.

  10. A whole week of LOVE?!? Sounds fantastic! Hmmm, did I ever submit my birthday to the list? I don't even remember any more. :-O

  11. Aaaww you look so beautiful in pink my sweets! XOXO - Bacon

  12. Oh gurl - Lady Shasta here an'u iz rockin'that pink dress! I wish my mom wood git me sumthin'pink tue wear butt now it iz tue late fer Valentinez Day.

    By the way, us Beaglebratz haz our announcement post up along with that purty badge u an'your mom made. We gotta git our shorter announcement tue Sarge so he can git it in the BCC.

  13. Oh Dory, you look so pretty in pink and looking forward to this week and the valentines.

  14. You always look so pretty, Dory!

  15. You always looks lovely Dory! We are excited for Valentine's Day, too!

  16. You are looking very pretty, flowery and valentie-like Dory :)
    Dip and Elliot x

  17. Pretty in Pink Dory! I will look forward to Flower Friday
    Mr Bailey

  18. All that PINK! I just love it! It's really your color, Dory!

  19. Such pretty pinks for your post today.

  20. Dory, you look very much ready for a week of love - so pretty in pink:)

    Mom chases Cash home whenever she sees him out running. She has called the house and left messages but it just keeps happening. May be soon time to call animal control:(

    Woos- Ciara and Lightning

  21. You just radiate love and happiness in your look and your fashion accessories. I'm not sure what sort of "love" thing we'll have going on - Mom asked Dad if he wanted her homemade Cornish Pasties, peas and English beer for Valentines Day. He seemed really excited about that, but I was like - "where's the champagne and steak and dog treats?"

    Abby Lab

  22. Ohhh, an entire week of love sounds sweet as candy. ♥

  23. This is my very first Valentines Day and I am excited. I asked Wyatt if it was ok if I sent Tegan a valentine and he said yes!! I hope she likes it. Mommy says that she sooooo appreciates the birthday list and thank you thank you thank you. Whenever it is ready, it will be great.

    Ziggy Out!!

  24. Dory, you are absolutely so precious and adorable in your dresses. You make our mom, "squeee!" And she is sending you lots of kisses. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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