
Happy New Year on Nature Friday

 Arty here with my pals Paul Bunyon and his Blue Ox, Babe! Today I am going to wrap up the howliday week with a few more picture of my most recent Mama and Me road trip!!
We left home with plenty of time to enjoy our journey and Mama agreed this would be the perfect opportunity to take a few pictures.
 Paul and Babe are located at the famous(to us) tourist attraction, Trees of Mystery located in a beautiful redwood forest.  They weren't open yet, but Mama and I did take a walk along the edge of the parking lot enjoying the sunrise while checking peemails along the way.
 We still had some time after stopping to see Paul and Babe, so Mama asked if I would mind stopping to see her favorite local lighthouse!
I'm always up for a trip to my ocean, it's nice and relaxing to listen to the waves for a bit while looking at Battery Point Lighthouse!! After we left the lighthouse, we drove without stopping to the eye doctor.
 After the doctor had a quick look at my eyes, Mama and I headed back home!
(no kidding, we drive about 10 hours round trip for a 15 minute doctor visit. Don't worry tho, we love a good road trip and Mama says it is well worth it to keep my eyes healthy!) 
Anyway, we stopped for lunch and a nice walk at the Rogue River Rest Stop...it's always nice to read some peemail and stretch my legs before the ride home!
Mama had to make one more "pit stop" on the way homeso we made a quick detour to a rest area with this beautiful pond...and if you look to the far side of this pond, my ocean is right on the other side! What a pawfect way to end a Mama and Me road trip!
 Before we go, we wanted to wish everyone a very...

 Happy New Year!!!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



Our Best 2020 Moments!

 Happy Almost New Year Everyone!
On this final day of 2020, I thought it would be nice for all of us to say what made us the most thankful this year!!

 This year, I am so very thankful for the fun wheelie house trip we took to Bryce Canyon to see my Uncles Stanley and Murphy! We had so much fun and hopefully this year that COVID monster will let Mama and Daddy get our own wheelie house!

I'm thankful to have had the chance for lots of Mama and me time in 2020! This was the year my eyes got fixed and we got my allergies (mostly) under control!
 2020 was a banner year for me!! First, I was born...and then, I got to come here to be the boss...ummm, I mean be the youngest, well behaved littler sister of the best pack a girl could ask for!
 Wait a minute, are you laughing Jakey??

I'm not laughing at you(much) Sunny! I am just having the most awesome year EVER!! First, out of the whole year, there have only been 10 days or so Mama, Daddy and I weren't all together! Next, Daddy got to work from home a LOT!!  Yep, life on 2020 was pretty darn good!!

I know that most humans are ready for 2020 to be over, but for us pets it was pretty wonderful!!


What are you most thankful about 2020?

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Thanks Mabel!

 Today I want to say a special thanks to my gal Mabel for spoiling me again this Christmas.
Just look at all the pressies she sent;

My very own Christmas ornament,

 Some VERY delicious treats,

 and a new raincoat!!!
 The raincoat came in handy during the rainy, windy weather we had for Christmas Day!!

She even sent me some fresh kisses(teeheehee),
Mama says I have to share these with the rest of the pack. You know, share the love...teeheehee

Of course my favorite part of the pressie box was the gorgeous picture card of the most beautiful pug in Blogville, my gal Mabel!!

Thanks Mabel for all the wonderful gifts, you really know how to make a guy happy!!


We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!







Merry Nature Christmas!!

 Today I just want to say that, although it's been a crazy year in many ways, I am thankful my eyes are back to good!
This week I went to the eye doctor for a check up and Doctor Bliss was so very happy with how well my eyes are doing.
You would never know that last January I had multiple ulcers!


Next Friday, I'll take you along to see the pretty sights Mama and I saw on our Howliday road trip to Oregon to see Dr. Bliss!!



 A very Merry Christmas to you and yours this Christmas Day!

We've made an executive decision to keep the Howliday Card Blog Hop Rocking and Rolling through today!! Did you have a Christmas Nature Post?? No problem, link it up to the Howliday Card Hop, and just wish Everyone a Merry Howliday!
The Howliday Card Blog Hop will be open to hop around until next week's Nature Friday!



Thankful for all Our Howliday Cards

Today, we are so thankful for all of our furiends in Blogville and the Catosphere!! We have received so many wonderful cards and wanted to "decorate" our blog with them today!


We've made an executive decision to keep the Howliday Card Blog Hop Rocking and Rolling through tomorrow!! Did you have a Christmas Nature Post ready for tomorrow?? No problem, link it up to the Howliday Card Hop, and just wish Everyone a Merry Howliday!
Here are some of the wonderful cards we've gotten from our furiends so far! 
Our Instagram friends Betty and Mya

Angel Sugar's brother KB from
Arty's sweetie Mabel and her sister Hilda over at the Idaho Pug Ranch

Mara, Oswin and Brom from Weighty Matters

 Millie and Walter over at Bird Brains and Dog Tales
Misty, Timber and Lightning of the OP Pack
 Kinley the Westie (and her kitty brofur Travis)

 Bentley and Pierre of  Barking from the Bayou
From Finley, Brinley, Bowie and Angelique (and Travis) of the Lone Star Cats
Instagram Friends Ronnie and Reagan

Instagram Friend Prescot



 Instagram friends Bailey and Bentley

 The ATCAD crew



Thanks so much to all our friends for all your pawsome Howliday Wishes and remember to get to bed early tonight...
Santa Paws is Coming to Town!!!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Post your Blog's Howliday "Card"(this can be a graphic, or just your written holiday greeting) and  hop aboard! Blogville residents will have the chance to visit  your Howliday Card and you can visit theirs without even have to buy a stamp!