
Fun with Cards!

Here at Blogville Card Central, the cards are pouring in!!

 We are quickly filling up our first venue...the kitchen window!

 That's right, Arty, as of now our card count is up to a total of 19 cards!!

 Mama will be printing out our e-cards and adding them to the window in Bilbo's Apartment (aka the Kitchen)

 Your cards Mama?? Ummmm...

 Well....here is the pretty card from Chewy.com

 We've decided you can SAY it is yours...at least until you get a few more....


Mama wants to thank everyone who stopped by to say Happy Birthday to her..She says she was a baby during the "Mad Men" years and that might have something to do with why her pawrents posed her with a bottle that is not milk...BOL!!

Make Sure to Stop by and Visit:


  1. I love your card window... and I wish I had such a special big window too... but that sounds like a diy-project we better don't do ;o)

  2. Crikey ..... your kitchen window sure looks pretty with all those cards, aye?? Shame about your Mama's card count ...... I've been getting cards too. I love it. Christmas is great, aye??

  3. Our peeps just got a real card - but we are 20:1 now!

  4. Hari Om
    Oh yes, mine are being arranged around the window also - but the one in the living room... what a fun time!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Pawsome card count!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Quite a card collection you have there. My mom got the Chewy one too.

  7. Wonderful display of cards - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  8. Those are some paws howliday cards! And I LOVE your window wreath! So pretty.

  9. Pawsome card display. Sorry we haven't been around blogville much lately.

  10. We've gotten lots of cards, too! I love the way you display them!

  11. We love how all the cards adds to the festive decorations this time of year. Well done on the card count contest.

  12. I love your window display! It's such a nice way to display the cards. Momma did the same thing with the Chewy card. Desperate!

  13. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I spy me with thee and what fun!!
    We love how your mama has the cards on hooks over the curtain rod in Bilbo's apartment!! MOL. Where did she find the hooks? Hugs madi your bfff

  14. Wow, such a fantastic collection of cards and beautifully displayed.
    Oh wow, we see Mums picture! Looks lovely there.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  15. We can see our card! Glad it got there. A card from Chewey BOL!

  16. Wow! Lots of cards! And pretty decorations too!

  17. Ahhh I LOOOOVE IT! How adorable! Everyone is so festive :)
    I can't get over your little outfits right now...I'm obsessed!

    Very cute pictures, thank you for sharing with us.
    Have a wonderful day, a safe weekend & Happy Holidays!

  18. What beautiful cards and so many!

  19. Great ideas for displaying the cards! I was just trying to figure out how to display them.

  20. Oh, the photos look so PRETTY!!!


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