
Final FAugust Flower Friday Fiction

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Barty Finds his Smile

a story by Arty

This story is fiction, any similarities between the character and the the author are strictly coinci...
Oh Wait, ...ummmm...never mind...
Once upon a time there was a handsome Shih Tzu pup named Barty who lost his smile due to day after day of dreary gray skies. Then his Daddy told Barty, "Enough is enough little guy, let's go find your smile!" He put Barty in his harness and they plundge(d) into the unknown!

It was pretty dreary out there. You see, where Barty lives it is foggy all August long! 

Barty and his Daddy walked for miles and miles searching everywhere for Barty's smile. They even asked the little birdies along the way...but nobody had seen it anywhere!!

It's like it had fallen into a void! What was a boy to do??
Barty's Daddy had an idea,

"Barty, my boy, why don't you concentrate on all the beauty around you? Maybe your smile will find you!"

Barty went out into the gray with a new purpose noticing all the beauty along the way...

Pretty purples...and greens...and so many delicious smells.

...and guess what??
Barty and his smile FOUND EACH OTHER!!

I'm not sure if it was the pretty purples....

...or just the fresh air...

But Barty and his Daddy were relieved Barty's smile decided to come back!! 

Now, whenever Barty feels his smile slipping away, he asks his Mama or Daddy to take him out to look at all the beauty in the world!!

The End

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Tom Wolfe
Page 87
8) Plunge into the unknown
12) the void
16) out into

Flower Friday
Flower Friday here in Our Backyard is all about spreading cheer, while sharing a bit of your corner of Blogville! Just post a picture of flowers blooming, or any nature picture(with or without your pet) and hop aboard!!  
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  1. Oh that is such a beautiful story about the entirely fictional barty.
    So pleased he found is smile.
    (And clever Mama for finding a way to combine FFF and Flower Friday.)
    Toodle pip!

  2. Hari om
    Yes, what Bertie said! This was wonderfurs!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. That was just brilliant, Arty!

  4. We have lost our smiles due to all the RAIN too.

  5. Getting out in the world always makes us smile. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. (B)Arty found out to "accentuate the positive," as the show tune says. and it will put a smile on your face. Good job helping him find that out, Dad.

  7. you get A + + for this story Arty/Barty. loved every word and every photo and every flower. plus that smile at the end is GORGEOUS... good daddy also....

  8. after so much wonderful purple flower your smile had to come back to ya immediately... purple is like a magnet for smiles ;O)

  9. Oh Barty what a truly fantabulous Friday Fiction...intrigue, excitement, mystery and a journey with a most handsome leading man. We are so glad Barty found his Smile and he and his Dad had a good walk.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. We're so happy that "Barty" found his smile. That was a great story.

  11. YAY!!!!! What a great post! It made us smile, too!

  12. Oh, how we loved the story of Barty and his search for his lost smile - somehow it made us think of sweet little Tweedles and her magical bubbles.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. What a beautiful story! We are so happy you got your smile back. It is such a pretty smile.

  14. We do love a happy ending! Your story made us smile. ☺

  15. BRAVO!!!!! OMD, that was the bestest story evers!!! I loved it! And i loves your smile (B)Arty!
    Ruby ♥

  16. A pawsome story and pawsome flowers. You da best at making me smile.


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