
No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters - 2019

 As most of you know, October is "Adopt a Shelter Pet" month!!  As you might remember, Arty and I, Jakey, came from a shelter via a rescue group.

This is why we decided Halloween would always mean:

No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters!

This year we will be holding our Fifth Annual Blog Hop/Fundraiser October 30th thru October 31st(Wednesday and Thursday). Publish a Halloween post letting us know some way you plan to/or have helped a shelter or pet in need, and link up to the hop. We will be donating $1 per hop entry AND 50 cents  for each comment we receive on the 30th and 31st(including duplicates)! The money raised will be split between three Blogville "Helping Hands"

This year, we want to say thank you to local Blogville residents who help animals in need. Over the next three Thursdays we will be spotlighting the three different Blogville Blogs who have been helping animals for as long as we have been following them.

 Make sure to tune in next week when we
thank Legacy Boxer Rescue, you may know them best the adoption agency where Matilda(and Angels Casey and Cinderella) found her Mama!!

We are very thankful this week for all our Blogville friends who rally together to help those in need!

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. oooh hoe great that you will host that fab event again!!! we will see if we can do something good!

  2. Hari OM
    This is just the best idea and always fun!!! I intend to make a little more effort this year and do a post as well as comment!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You are so thoughtful to help out shelter pets. Our kitties come from the shelter, and we donate there now and then.

  4. You 3 pups are so very caring and generous!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. That is one of the best things ever and we're so happy you're doing it again. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Bless you for all you do for shelter pets❣️

  7. What a lovely thing to do. I'll try to spend lots of your money. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. You guys are the absolute bestest!

  9. We will have to do something special for one of our local shelters. Unfortunately the rescue we both came from is no longer in business.

  10. Wow, both of these things are so great! The Momz will have to try to get her act together and join the No Tricks, Just Treats hop this time.
    We look forward to learning more about these blogs and the good they do!
    -The Wag 'n Woof Pets Crew ♥

  11. thanks for the reminder, will start thinking now....

  12. We love humans who help animals find furever homes!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  13. Oh we love this blog hop! And we love that you are going to thank those that help
    Mabel & Hilda

  14. Oh, this is the bestest Blog Hop!!! I loves this!!!! I gots to get Ma on it right aways!
    Ruby ♥

  15. This is the BESTEST thing to do! We're so happy that you've chosen LBR as one of your pawesome honorees. Casey, Cinderella, Jessie, and I are/were all proud LBR alums, and we can't say enough good things about them!

  16. We plan on hopping along with y'all.


We love to read your peemails!!