
Dory's Birthday Pawty - Part Deux

Welcome Back!!! If you hurry, you'll be able to catch everyone on the dance floor!! 

Did you miss the first part of the pawty???
Click HERE to catch up!!

Also, make sure you stop by Murphy and Stanley's to catch up with what happened at the beach earlier today!!

Now...off to the dance floor.....

Looks like the pawty is in full swing!! Uh oh...Easy and Buddy have stolen the microphone!!

Mr. Bailey and I are having a blast, dancing the night away. 

Until....uh oh....we had a feeling this might happen....

Someone asked Madi to twerk!! She finally put her paw down though, and said she wouldn't twerk unless everyone in Blogville twerked with her!!

 She gave us a quick tutorial and then....

When Madi looks at us like that, we KNOW we better do what she says!!

WOW...twerking is FUN!!!

Needless to say we had a blast, what a great way to end the evening!!!

Thanks so much for joining us and making this the bestest birthday a girl could have!!!

Make sure to stop by tomorrow when Blogville's Howl-i-daze Hijinks continues! Both Murphy and Stanley and Dory's Backyard 
will be hosting!

Here is what's coming up:
Sunday, December 27th: The 2015 "Most Likely To" Awards Ceremony
Monday, December 28th: Blogville Game Night
Tuesday, December 29th: The BAR Mugshots
Wednesday, December 30th: New Year's Pawmises and Resolutions!
Thursday, December 31st: The Mayorz New Year's Eve Pawty
If you haven't already, make sure you join Dory's Birthday Hop!


  1. WooooohoooooothNk goodness Angel Sasha and Ziggy brought the food truck twerking made me hungry!
    Mol Mol Mol who knew y'all were natural twerkers! Bravo to you all. I'm thinking Blogville should adopt twerking as our official dance!
    Hugs Madi your bfff

    HAPPY HAPPY 12th Dory my friend
    Madi your bffffff for a long time

  2. wow blogville sure knows how to dance - what a pawsome party !

  3. OMD OMDory.... this is A GRAND Birfday celebration....
    Holy Gwalk A Moley.... Madi TWERKED.... and then we ALL got into the action... TWERKin is WORK... if you ask US...

    Have a SUPER CELEBRATION of your big day!!

    Sarge, Frankie, and Ernie...

  4. Happy Happy Birthday, Dory! You are having an AWESOME celebration!
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  5. Happy Birthday Dory! We sure are having a great time.

  6. I hope Madi is right and that twerking is really easy peasy... hope Lee will not laugh when I try it :o)

  7. A very happy birthday to you, Dory! Celebrate big!

  8. OMD, we think we need some massaging to save our muscles from that twerk-a-thon! We sure had a blast at the pawty. BUTT we know we will look forward to doing it all over again next year! Have a wonderful birfday Dory!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - we finally got on the hop.

  9. that mad is a real twerker and now everyone is

  10. You sure are having the bestest birthday bash, Dory!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. What a great Party Dory Happy barkday,xx Speedy

  12. We have just popped in from our blogging break to wish you a very Happy Birthday Dory!
    You look like you are having a wonderful time :)
    Lots of love
    Dip Elliot Teddy and Lynne xxx

  13. How exciting! What a great birthday party!

  14. Dory, What a wonderful time we had celebrating your birthday! Mabel & Hazel had a great time too
    hugs & kisses
    Mr Bailey

  15. Happy Barkday Dory! Wow looks like everyone is having a pawsome time.

  16. Has ANYBUDDY seen Roxy and Ernie??? THOSE two seem to have... gone Missing... and that can NOT be good...

  17. OMD! Emma and I had a blast twerking! My girl really has the moves. ♥ Of course, with a couple of Ruby's ritas, there is no getting us off the dance floor. Best party of the year, Dory! I hope that your birthday was FBAULOUS!

  18. WHAT A PARTY! And Miss. Madi...what a great Twerk-teacher! BOL

  19. What a paw-some paw-ty!! Happy Happy Birthday Dory!

    Abby Lab

  20. Oh my goodness - what a WILD party!!!! It sounded like Madi really got things revved up! Happy Birthday, Dory!

  21. Happy Barkday Miss Dory!!!! We send our card via e-mail! What a fantastic party, sorry we are all so late, we had to wait for Mom to get home from W.O.R.K. before we could join. What a fantastic Barkday!!!
    Marty and the Gang

  22. Very nice to meet you, Dory and happy belated birthday! I am joey dog's date, Momo.... I am so happy to be here! Let's pawrty, everyone!

    Momo & Pinot (who stays home but can hear the pawrty) xo

  23. Happy Birthday cutie! Great party.

  24. Oh wow, I've never TWERKED! before. How fun!!

  25. Twerking...Now that explains Ginger being laid up on the couch today ;) BOL Glad you had a pawesome Barkday :)

    Ginger, Matt & Matilda


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