
Traveling Home BWSS and a PSA

We are sooooooo close to home and tonight we'll sleep in our own beds, YAYAYAYAY!! 


 Don't forget, this Tuesday, June 21st at 11:59pm PST, is the LAST DAY to sign up to host an event for the Blogville Pawlimpics!! 
Email Mama today at
bethblog (at) ebchristians (dot) com
stay tuned tomorrow for the dates open and some example events YOU can host!!

Click HERE 
to read more about the Blogville Pawlympics and see examples of events you can host and 

Click HERE
to see the Pawlympic schedule and which dates are open for your event!!

Stop by on Thursday for a list of ALL the events you can pawticipate in and where you can get the 411 on how to enter the events!!

The Blogville Pawlympics are going to be
...wait for it....

We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!

We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday


  1. Welcome back home. We are excited for the Pawlympics! Practice Practice Practice....

    Wyatt and Tegan

  2. Crickey ... You'll sleep well tonight. Road trips are fun but there's no place like home, aye?

  3. the furst night in your own bed is always the best!!! I will write my announcement for the fart-event this week... hope all have a clothes peg for their noses :o)

  4. Sleeping in your own bed will be wonderful! Welcome home!

  5. Oh, sleeping in your own bed is the best!

    Mara from Norway

    PS: Brom and Miss Oswin are really excited about the Pawlympics. Not sure what they will be doing just yet though.

  6. Hari om
    My word, it seems long that you've been travelling, eh? Happy homings... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  7. You two are looking mighty good. Hope you made it home all nice and safe. Glad you had a great trip. Sleep well in your own beds.

  8. I know you all had a fun trip, but it will be so nice to be home and back into your routine I'm sure! We are going to think about the Pawlympics and try to get something to you later today.

  9. what a trip you have had, i know you will be glad to be home

  10. Enjoy being home after so long off away (even if it is only for a week). We are practicing for the pawlympics. We are sure it is going to be better than the human one!

  11. BOW WOW, I can't believe it's already been a week since BAR!

  12. We can't wait for the olympics!
    Glad you're almost home!

  13. Hi guys those are some very smart B & W selfies. we are impressed. Have a wonderful day. purrs ERin

  14. hello dory its dennis the vizsla dog hay lukking kyoot as always my frends!!! the pawlympics do sownd like a lot of fun my yunger athletik self mite hav had a gud time at them hmm maybe i shud hop in the time masheen and go git him!!! ha ha ok bye

  15. We know you will very happy to be home today!
    Your flower looks so lovely on you Dory!
    Mr Bailey
    Mabel & hazel too

  16. We hope by the time you read this you are home and sleeping in your own beds. We will have to think if we can host an event too.

  17. There's no place like home . . . there's no place like home . . . there's no place like home. ;-) Hope you had safe travels along the yellow brick road.Happy B&W Sunday!


We love to read your peemails!!