
Hanging on to Summer

 Dory here today, wondering how summer snuck by so very fast??

It seems like just yesterday when we were headed to the BAR to meet new friends!

 ...and Arty got scared at the car wash in Colorado..
Good times!!

 What a bunch of fun new friends and pawsome memories we made
at the BAR, not to mention, on our road trip there and back!

Now, it's almost Autumn and time to make lots more
great memories!

Plus Autumn means...

What fun memories did you make this summer???


  1. Summer has finally arrived here in Aberdeen - we are quite grateful 'cos some years it never show up at all.
    Toodle pip!

  2. I wonder too... we waited so long for summer and within a minute it is gone... it's like christmas, we wait 87 years and then pffft... it is gone :o)

  3. Summer is not our thing, so we are happy to see it hit the road to make room for better seasons. It was not a very good summer for us with the loss of my big sister. We know most folks love summer, but we are more fall and winter types around here.

  4. I love Love Love Summer!!!!
    July 1st is my Gotcha Day.
    I got to get out of that
    death chamber!!!!
    Mom had lots of toys for me
    I ate them all!!!!
    I love Summer;
    xo Astro

  5. We lost a long time friend and brought home a new one.

  6. BAR was definitely a highlight of the summer. It flew by. Lady says the next few weeks at work are going to suck so she hopes they fly by too!

  7. Hari OM
    Well you KNOW that BAR is a hard one to leap over!!! But I did get in some quality time in Edinburgh in July, I had a visitor to show round my territory in early August and we have been sitting in wet, wind and rain since Sept 1st arrived. However, we are told there will be alte burst of summer this week. So there will be a little bit of 'hanging on' getting done round here too!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. flamingo pink is definitely YOUR color... pretty in pink is what you are...

  9. Tell us about it Dory - we had about 10 days of sun, ugh!
    We are hanging on to the rest of summer with our toenails :)
    Elliot and Cricket x

  10. Oh Dory you have voiced my very thoughts this morning...My peeps cannot believe all that has happened since June 8th and all the things they have done an peeps and pets they met.
    Hugs maid your bfff
    PS Elliot and Cricket I wish we could have shared our way too hot sun with you all across the pond.

  11. hello dory its dennis the vizsla dog hay the summer always seems to go by the fastest of all the seezuns duznt it??? dada sez espeshly bak in the mithikal land of noo york the seezhuns konsisted of winter winter winter and july!!! i think he sed winter mor then wunse i wil hav to go bak and kownt agin!!! ennyway yoo kannot go rong with a seezun full of pumpkins and appel cider rite??? ha ha ok bye

  12. I like your Pink Flamingo friend, Dory! Does he or she have a name?
    Our mom thinks Summer has flown by, too! For us it drags, because we can't wait for the COLD! (For some reason, Mom is shuddering. Hmm...)
    Have a happy day!

  13. Summer has returned here as of today - hot, hazy, and humid AGAIN!!! For so many reasons we will be happy to bid adieu to summer and welcome some cooler temps in the fall.

    Looking extra pretty today, Dory.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  14. NO idea where the summer went! I love pumpkin cookies, too, and my assistant likes pumpkin anything so that's good, too.

  15. We seemed to have a LONG cold, wet winter. We're hangin' out for some warmer weather...not HOT, mind you, just warm.

  16. Our mom said she is ready to pack summer up and send it down the road! She is in NO hurry to see winter and hopes that Autumn lasts for 9 months. You sure look beautiful in your photo shoot Dory!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. We are so looking forward to Autumn and pumpkin cookies! Summer this year for us has been a LOT of supervising of the peeps!

  18. Our summer has been too hot so we are happy to see it go. Now we can spend more time outside in the cooler weather. We sure wish we could have joined everyone at the BAR this year.

  19. OMD, I knows!!!! Summer just came and went soooooo fast!!!! Soon I will be unceremoniously ducking rain drops and tryin' to avoid gettin' my precious paws wet! Wells, at least you have your pawsome adventures to remember! What a summer you guys had!!!
    cookies???? did I hears cookies????? where????!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Dory our favorite part of this summer was getting to meet you and Arty in the furs!!
    We are ready for the heat to go but hope we have a nice long pleasant fall
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  21. Summer really flew by on the bayou too. Our favorite memories are from our road trip to Phoenix. We are planning on a big adventure soon.

  22. You look so pretty in your floral crown, Dory! We're not big fans of summer here. I'm looking forward to fall so the temperature drops and it's safe for us to be out more! You know we don't even get our evening walk most of the time in the summer because it's so hot??


We love to read your peemails!!