
Sleepy Sepia Saturday

It sounds like lots of Blogville will be snuggling inside today.  We have heavy rain here and it is suppose to stick for the next week!
We have claimed the couch to nap and snuggle on....

 Sorry Mama and Daddy, we were here first! 
Feel free to grab a spot on the floor, BOL!

 I suppose we can negotiate some space for a price 3 cookies an hour sounds fair, don't you think???

What's the weather like where you are?? We hope you are all staying snuggly and warm
(or frolicking in snow, if that's what you like to do)!


  1. we stay under warm blankies... no snow here but siberian temperatures... I feel like a polar bear :o)

  2. I just love viewing puppy piles... and I was thinking where oh where will the parents sit... we had a big storm at 4 am today, booms/flashes/tornado warnings, but only got one inch of rain and we are desparate for rain. the radar shows we might get more.

  3. We are happy the ice is gone away, it will warm up and we should get some fresh snow. Rain is no fun...so snooze on!

  4. It is dang cold in Dixie. Sleeting currently (mom sent you a pic via email). 27 for a high today and 9 for a low tonight and 4 for a low tomorrow night. Very unusual for N.C.
    I'm snuggling with myself on the bed...but that is ok I have lots of fur
    Hugs madi your bfff
    PS I hope your feets don't get too wet on your potty breaks

  5. We all know dogs are the real bosses, not the humans!

  6. Stay warm and snuggly during the severe weather that seems to have engulfed the whole nation! Sam and Elsa think you should ask for a higher couch ransom. Surely your pawrents will give up the sofa for 4 or 10 dog cookies to such cuties, right?! 😇

  7. Such great personalities, even when sleepy and comfie. :) Here in Chattanooga it snowed over night and I am not going to go slide down our hilly driveway and hilly road onto a busy road. I'm on the couch today, too! Amy

  8. Now that Arty is officially the mayor it is expected that those cookies flow freely!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Here, sleeping...yes. Snuggling...no. Supposed to hit the high 90's today.

  10. We are freezing our tails off here. You all enjoy your nap.

  11. Oh gurls, we are getting the 'Storm of the Century' tomorrows! It's suppose to rain up to 10 inches! AND, it's gonna not stop for at least a week too! Yeah California....sarcastically said....☺ sorry, I don't do good with wet furs! I gets cranky!!! BOL
    Keep claim to your sofa spots guys, and don't lets your Moms get away with skimping on the cookies!
    Ruby ♥

  12. I love Sepia because it always has such an old-fashioned feel. Hope you got cookies!!!

  13. We are snuggling with you! Snow and freezing rain here in Oregon City!
    Wyatt and Tegan

  14. We are having a major snowstorm here today so we're keeping a low profile just like you guys are!

  15. That sounds reasonable!
    Enjoy your snuggle time!

  16. Cold Cold Cold here. Mom and Dad didn't leave the house except for Dad taking me for a short walk this morning. Mom usually goes to the store on Saturday for foodables but she just didn't want to leave so she's making us homemade pizza out of whatever little bits of veggies and cheese and sausages are left in the fridge, and there's a pork roast thawing for tomorrow with stuffing and gravy.

    MMMMM. Gravy.

    Stay warm and safe.
    Abby Lab

  17. We have bitter cold today, but only a dusting of snow. Wow. I really miss my snuggle buddies Joey dog and Miss Ginger!

  18. been snowing again here since this afternoon. We are getting some big snow hills as Dad tries to keep areas shoveled for us. We made it into the teens today! Still too dang cold but it is better than below zero. Snuggled in the house watching football
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  19. You all look comfy. We are sure Mama and Daddy could bargain for a few cookies :)

  20. Oh yeah, we're couch snuggling today! It's been COLD.


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