
#Chewyinfluencer Fun with Fruitables Whole Jerky

 It's time for some #Chewyinfluencer FUN!!
Let me tell you, Mama is very impressed with the new and exciting way we now order our #chewyinfluencer products! Mama can order our #chewyinfluencer products at the same time she is buying our treats, toys and other snacks. Just one little click and one little code and....

Our review product is here, with all our other goodies, usually within just TWO days!
Easy Peasy!
This month we chose two different products, one that Arty will review next week and this delicious bag of nomminess, also known as Fruitables Whole Jerky natural dog treats!
Mama chose the Grilled Bison for us to try!

I thought she had gotten the BACON jerky like Murphy and Stanley are trying, so at first I might have been a bit disappointed BUT I think the Bison Jerkey might be even BETTER!!!

Looks like they pass all the Mama requirements...
  • 100% Bison...the only other ingredient is natural bison flavor!!
  • It is a Limited Ingredient Treat so it makes it great for Arty and his allergeez!
  • It's made in our great country, the USA!!

It LOOKS  and SMELLS like the jerky Daddy eats!!

Lets go Mama, time for TASTE TESTING!!
(We know they will taste better than how Mama's NY Giants are playing this year!)

Here we are being VERY patient while Mama tells us to WAIT with the delicious nomminess right in front of our noses!

The look like jerky, but they break apart real easy and aren't as crunchy like you might think....

OMD...I was hesitant at first, but once I took the first bite I was hooked!! 

We give these a solid 8 paws up and hoe Mama will get these for us soon!!
As #chewyinfluencers, we were given a bag of Fruitables Whole Jerkey in exchange for ours(and Mama's) true blue opinion!

Don't forget to pack up your Picnic Basket and join us tomorrow for the Blogville Picnic and Barn Dance!! 
Look for the Blog Hop tomorrow and check out all the events!!

We are joining the Chewy.com Blogger Network Blog Hop!! 
Thanks to Koru Bear and Oz for hosting!


  1. oh that is a super fabulous fall review!!! well done, dig in :O)

  2. You have me drooling! yummmmmmmmy

  3. Hari OM
    Seems to be a winner... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. These sound great. We have been getting more bison in our assortment lately, but these are new to us.

  5. What a great review!! Mom told me she once at a bison burger and LOVED IT..so hide those treats 'cause Mom aka TOGM aka HiC aka nosy rosy comes a visitin' she'll eat'em all
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. Bring On The Bison! looks good enough for humans to eat from here. glad Mama found an easy way to get your test treats.

  7. Wesa crying as we read this. sigh............stellie rose

  8. Those treats do look very tasty. You boys did a great review.

  9. Bison? Is that a really really really big cow?

    Mara from Norway (where we don't have bison, but apparently we do have a moose living close by!)

  10. Those bison treats look yummy. Hoping mom gets us some for our picnic basket. Bear and Sammy.

  11. We knew you would love it! Yes, the bacon is REALLY good too! BUTT you should not call your mom a "hoe".

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. If it is jerky, we are IN!!! We haven't had bison jerky, but we sure are willing to give it a try. Do you hear us, Mom???

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Grilled Bison??!!! That sounds AMAZING!!!
    I wish they would sell those in Australia because I just drooled all over my keyboard!!!
    Morrie :)

  14. If we did Jerky these sound very good. See you tomorrow for all the fun!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Wow, they sound like they ROCK! You are very lucky dogs!

  16. Oooh, you got our attention when you said 'bison.' 😇


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