
Monkey Awwws

 Another thing I like do, while my knee gets better, is the occasional photo shoot. Of course, I would much rather be a scary lion or a wicked witch than a silly monkey. It could be worse though, I hear my Angel sister Dory had it really rough one Halloween....

In case you haven't heard this story, you can read it by 
Poor Dory, Mama really pulled one over on her, didn't she?

Other than this silly monkey costume,  I'm doing good and feeling great!! I go for my first follow up visit at the Doctor this
Wednesday and I'll fill you in on how it went next week.

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


  1. Hari OM
    Aw darling Dory - yeah, that was a mean trick by the mama... I gotta say, Sunny, you do make a cute monkey! Glad the healing is going well. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. aaaaah but it's so darned cute (said the mama LOL)

  3. You make a very cute monkey, Sunny!

  4. At least you can monkey around sometimes! Hope the healing is going well and you can keep checking off the days until life goes back to normal on our calendar.

  5. Monkey See Monkey Do.. ha ha on YOU... you are so adorable, so is Angel Dory, she had full fledged gear to wear.

  6. Niece Sunny
    Bryan used to sing this song to big M
    Monkey see
    Monkey do
    Monkey named Marlu.
    Aunty C is so happy you are feeling good.
    Many hugs

    1. PS just checked the link to be sure I remembered it. OMDS Dory was such good sport
      We spoke to Marlu and Greg yesterday. Greg is currently in a battle with Earl the Squirrel
      who evidently is a mutant warrior. Earl is all over their bird feeders in spite of the baffle which is appears to laugh at. Greg hollers at him from the house...he laughs at Greg too
      Hugs Cecilia

  7. You are such a cute little monkey, Sunny. We have our paws crossed that you get a good report at the doctor.

  8. Wanted new home. I laughed out loud. No pup wants to dress up like a tree rat.

    I'm glad you're doing well, Sunny. You're sure cute.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and my best to your peeps. ♥

  9. Lulu: "Good news about your knee, Sunny! If wearing a monkey suit is the cost of recovery, it's a small price to pay!"
    Java Bean: "Hmm Dada likes to call me 'monkey', I hope he is not getting any ideas ..."

  10. Sunny ~ you are adorable ~ sorry about the costume ~ You are beautiful without any ! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. A silly monkey is definitely preferable to a tree rat.

  12. You look so cute sweet Sunny, we hope the checkup is full of good news.

  13. Hoping your follow-up with the vet shows no problems !

  14. Oh, Sunny, we just had our Mom take us to the past and read about Angel Dory's humiliation. Perhaps your Mama has reformed since then. We're hoping she has "lost" that costume. We hear rumors, though, that Angel Lexi's skunk costume has resurfaced. Pray for me, 'cause I think I know who she's going to try to make wear it. XOXOX Chia


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