
Aaaawwwwrty - First Day of School

 Today is the first day of school in our part of Blogville.

 Mama says she is pretty sure I would be the kinda student who would pretend to be cool, but would really be a closet nerd on the inside.

What kind of student would you be??
We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


  1. Obviously, I would be the genius level scientist..
    Toodle pip!
    PS Have you cracked the linear algebra yet Arty?

  2. we would be those wo sit in da edge with a special hat on our head LOL

  3. School? Who needs school when there is a garden with birdies and toadies to hunt in...

    Miaow from Miss O

  4. Schools mostly start next week around here. I would be the social butterfly but take my studies seriously. Olivia would be kind of shy and an average student but be out for all the sports. Bailie would also be busy with social activities and do just enough studying to get by with fairly good grades.She would probably skip school a lot too. You look great and all ready for school.

  5. Hari OM
    My word, Arty, I do believe your mama is correct about you... as for me - I was never a cool chick, just always a swot! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Are there treats in your lunch box?

  7. I love your cap, Arty! I'm pretty sure that I'd be way too chatty and always in trouble with the teacher☺

  8. Arty OMDs you have made my day...possibly my week....with this adorable photo. You know I'm a sucker for a man in a hat. Add a bowtie and I'm putty in your paws.
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS I love nerds

  9. Chester would probably be the kid who sleeps all through class.

  10. I think you're most brilliant. A great shot. Nerds are the best. I married one.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and my best to your mom. ♥

  11. You look pretty darn cool and downright snazzy Arty!

  12. Norman would definitely be the loveable derpy dog...complete with bum wiggles. Love your first day of school outfit, Arty.

  13. Arty we think you are the cutest pup in class!

  14. Arty, we can see that about you. I, Xena would be the perfect student, excited about learning and trying really hard. Chia would be the disruptor, pulling the other girls' hair and playfully nipping at the boys until she got a "time out." Lucy would be the quiet one who just wants to go home.

  15. With that outfit you are going to the head of the class


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