
Rosy's Sibling Thankfuls

 As my birthday gets closer, I am reflecting how thankful I am to have had such great siblings.
My first 4 years in my furrever home I was lucky to have the 2 bestest big brothers all to myself.
 Jakey taught me all about sibling snuggling and pawrent snuggling. He was such a patient and loving boy and I miss him every day.

Arty was my best friend and travel buddy. He taught me all about keeping my independence and how to not be scared on road trips. 
I don't think that boy was scared of anything!
 After being the little sister to a couple of boys, I have to say it's nice to be the big sister to another girl dog. There something to be said about having someone else to dress up in pink and watch the sun come up with.

All and all I am so very thankful to have so many good memories of times spent with such wonderful and unique siblings!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!





  1. Hari Om
    Sweet memories, Rosy. I'm glad you have Sunny but even more glad you have the peeps you do. Because of them we got to know you! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. What great memories. We all love our little brother and he loves all his sisters. Siblings are a wonderful thing!

  3. What great memories to have, Rosy, and we loved your brothers too.

  4. Oh Rosy, how I wish Gail would let me have a sibling live with us. A few times recently on pre-bedtime walks we have met an adorable two year old pup, just a wee bit smaller than me, who is currently living in foster care awaiting a permanent home. I can see that Gail his tempted but unfortunately she is someone who is governed by head not heart...

  5. Niece Rosy what absolutely beautiful thankfuls about those who came before you. They paved a path of gold to your parents hearts. Having met Arty I know 10000% how loving he was and protective of his pack. When I held Dory in my lap in 2016...he sat right at my feet making sure I knew I was holding his most precious sister. Jakey OMDs what a kind soul.
    Hugs to you from Aunty C

  6. thanks for the memories of Jakey and Arty - we miss them too! you now have a special bond with Sunny. We enjoy reading about your adventures.

  7. Such a sweet post from such a sweet sibling Rosy!!! You are a little doll.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Yes Rosy, you had a beautiful family and it's lovely to remember them all (as we do, too!)

  9. You've been though a lot of changes, my good friend. And now you have many, many more years to enjoy being with your little sister. I especially love that last picture of you and Sunny (Chia says hi). XeXe

  10. Lulu: "We're glad you've had such good siblings around you, Rosy!"
    Charlee: "Yes, we know what it's like to have good siblings. Take Dennis! He was the best brother a cat could ask for!"
    Chaplin: "You mean best doggy brother, right?"
    Charlee: "..."
    Chaplin: "Right?"
    Charlee: "..."
    Chaplin: "RIGHT?!?!?"
    Charlee: "... Anyway, we hope you are having fun glamping! See you soon!"


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