
Colorful Wildlife Wednesday

 The beautiful Western Tanager visit us mostly in the Spring, although we've had a few sticking around through the Summer. These TC videos were recorded during "dating season" when the boy tanagers are the most colorful! 
As always, please feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE
Do you see these pretty birds in your corner of Blogville?

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!




  1. Gosh, we bet those gorgeous Western Tanager birds have no problems getting a date!
    But no, sadly, we don't see this spectacular species here in Scotland.

  2. Hari OM
    They are handsome birds indeed! The most colourful native bird in the UK would be the Yellowhammer, which name tells you it has similar looks, but is not as flamboyant as this fellow. (We do have introduced species, such as the Golden Pheasant - and summer visitors, such as the European Oriole...) hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. wow they are beautiful... and they look big to us... and what funny guys they are.. better than that rockin robin ;O)

  4. They are such beautiful birds! If they're around here, we haven't seen them.

  5. Its a bird convention and it seems there is a little disharmony now and then, they are gorgeous and this video is full of JOY... the red and yellow is the color of joy

  6. Nelson is baffled. He says he thinks every season is dating season for boys??? Love your hat and bandana, can't believe that shop is no more. We are so grateful we got the items we really needed before they closed. Keep enjoying your birthday week.

  7. You are so cute sweet Rosy and your backyard watering hole is amazing...and popular!

  8. What a breathtakingly gorgeous bird. WOW the 2 most exotic I've seen here a flock of Cedar Wax wings and Red-breaste Grosbeak Mr and Mrs. stopped at our bird bath for R&R in May one year as they headed to their summer home in the NC Mountains

    I saw the mourning dove Photo bomb but at least Doves are kind gentle birds...he approached with respect.
    Hugs Aunty C

  9. Charlee: "Rainbow sherbet birds! Yummy!"

  10. We just love your TC videos especially since we don't see that bird on this side of the country. The scarlet tanager is around here but we've rarely seen one in our yard.

  11. We love The Oceanside Animals' Rainbow Sherbet description. We have not seen those birds here, but Dylan takes a bath in his drinking water just like that.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. We have really huge crows. They're scary when they're all in the yard together. Have you seen that Stephen King movie? *shudder* Xexe

  13. All those animals are awesome but being a little dog I was worried about being carried off

  14. They are beautiful, and very busy!


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